Lydianna quickly weighed the options and made her decision. Putting a hand on Ragna's forearm she shook her her head silently. "I would rather not find out what lies ahead," she said, her voice a low whisper. "We've already had a few encounters with demons. It could just as easily be more. It could perhaps even be a trap set for us. I think we should leave now." She considered using her magic putting out the fire, but if the fire were to suddenly go out then whoever had built it would be alerted to their presence. Humans couldn't see very well in the dark, but demons certainly could. It wouldn't be hard for them to track Lydia and Ragna. The two half-breeds could certainly fight back, but if they were outnumbered and caught by surprise it certainly tipped the scale in their attacker's favor. "Let's go," she reiterated again quietly.