The conversation proceeded well enough once Bride finished his glimpse into the past. After forcing Gruffydd to volunteer as a tour guide with them, regardless of any plans the foreign student had made, Dai proceeded to drag his classmates over to the Wonder Mall. They were quickly greeted by the mall’s most popular mascot, Jack Frost, as up-beat techno music blasted through the speakers. They visited a large variety of shops and everything that the mall has to offer. Dai tossed in a few commentary and gossips about the more popular stores - Café Fortuna has the best coffee, Tee Party's owner was once rumoured to be a professional cosplayer, a book store called Rabbit Hole sold mysterious cards for some reason, etc. As the shopping area swelled with people of all shapes and sizes, it wasn’t farfetched to say that the Wonder Mall was the most popular hang-out spots for families, the elderly, and high school students. Heck, even a few familiar faces appeared on their radar. Johnathan was kicking back over in Café Fortuna with a good cup of coffee in one hand and a thick book in the other. Dai was tempted to rush over there, but promptly dragged away before he could get the chance. Ito was spotted at the Tee-Party, being bullied into some job by the ever so pushy owner, Hikari. The sightings just kept going as the pattern was followed by Shinku wandering somewhere in the distance. Geez, if he knew everyone was going to be here, he would've invited [i]everyone[/i]. It wasn’t until he spotted a certain face did Dai came to a full stop. His eyes slowly drifted over the crowds, glancing at each face. [color=f6989d]"Saito?"[/color] He asked, the weight of the brown backpack reminding him of his mission. The familiar haggard face made his call out even louder. [color=f6989d]“Saito!"[/color] Dai rushed over to the individual and shoved the book bag into Saito's arms. [color=f6989d]"Hey there, pal. You better not forget this or I might be tempted on selling this."[/color] He joked, grinning.