Cecil was trying hard to keep going but his energy levels were being pushed pretty hard, especially after trying to defend his friends. They would’ve been in big trouble if he didn’t do that, there would’ve been no way to get Ethan out of there without great injury. He didn’t care that it was draining and made things worse for him, all that mattered was he got them to safety. Trying to throw in his own word to say how he was feeling he didn’t get much feedback, probably because they didn’t know much about how his body. His internal battery running low was a very risky problem that might end with him collapsing and running like this was still draining. He hadn’t been able to find proper fuel for a long time and had been having to burn up organic materials, but that cost fuel as well just to process it. What he really needed was fuel specifically for Machina to get the full effect and hopefully this town had some. Looking down at Ethan as he gave him his reassurances he looked up ahead, seeing the hill up ahead. All he had to do was get there and that was it, he could put Ethan down and not have to deal with the uphill struggle either. He was struggling already and didn’t need to have the hill being a problem too. Upping his speed some more to try and get there faster it felt like his head was getting heavier to start with his feet failing on a couple of steps every so often. He was trying hard to keep going but thankfully the hill was coming up quick, his salvation almost in sight. He was trying hard to keep going, the longer he continued was starting to feel worse, but he wasn’t about to drop Ethan and fall on top of him. As the hill came a whole lot closer the distance was completely overestimated in Cecil’s head, his body slowing down in even his mind as his energy gradually died down. When the ground started to become uneven it was then when Cecil really slowed down, coming to a gradual halt before slowly dropping Ethan’s legs so he could stand, letting him go before slowly backing away. He was looking rather tired while his eyes weren’t looking as bright as they used to be, his joints twitching with his movements. “I-I-I c-can’t keep-…I need energy. E-Error: can’t open t-tools…” Another way would be to find somewhere to shut down for a while to gather solar energy, but that would take a day and they didn’t have time for that. Dragging his feet along he simply wanted to get up the hill, his arms looking close to dragging.