[center][IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/2colijd.png[/IMG][/center] [center][h2][color=black]Ayame Choko, “the Sewstress”[/color][/h2] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVV9IFfbLfk]The Fallen[/url][/center] [hr] A grin crept onto Ayame's face as she called down the rain. It was.. it was like Ayame herself was Pain. Somehow she felt euphoric in this moment, looking at the sky as the rain poured down, ignoring the chaos in front of her. She heard Fujitora speak, and was brought back to reality as she looked down and noticed the scuffle going on in front of her. She didn't interfere - if this was all that was going to happen that would do. The 11th would surely intervene if stuff went south enough. As she heard one in the crowd say that they'd have no choice but accept her, but that none would ever call her hokage.. she simply smiled, oblivious to the fact that Tatsuya was blaring words at her, about things she'd never said but were interpreted by them in a wrong manner. [b][color=black]“No.. no, you shall not call me Hokage.”[/color][/b] she said softly, as if to herself, before she turned around and walked off into the Hokages' office.. [i]her[/i] office. The two guards would follow as two other guards landed on the platform and carefully closed the hokages' deceased body into a bodybag, before taking him away. It was clear that despite murdering him brutally, she wouldn't leave him out in the open like some rotting criminal. He deserved some respect, even if his ways were wrong in Ayame's eyes. She had never hated the man or even disliked him. But shinobi bussiness, is just that. As she entered her new hokage, she ordered one of the 11th guards to stand outside, whilst the other was to stand inside. She walked over to the window, taking a look at the plaza where the people were still grouped up, before closing the blinds. The entire room was then enveloped in darkness, only a small shimmer of light escaping into the room through the blinds. Slowly she sat down, looking at the files spread on the desk. With a wide movement, she swung her arm over the table, clearing the table of everything that was there. She laid her elbows on the table and placed her head on her hands, looking at the door to think about her next move. ... [i]clear the rebellious elements, obviously.[/i] But first she'd have to find out who wasn't agreeing with this coup. It was obvious who those people were - they had openly attacked her. Giichi Uzumaki. Tatsuya Kajiya-Terumi. Nobunaga Inuzuka. These were rebellious elements, but it was too early to get rid of them [i]yet.[/i] They could be reformed, made to show the light. Each and everyone of these elements had misinterpreted her words - typical, seeing as the former hokages had all misinterpreted the will of fire, too. It was only logical that some of them would be so indoctrinated that they'd never give up their visions to see the truth. Konoha, a mighty tree, amidst a forest.. burning down due to a lightning strike it's very own creators had brought upon it. And the squirrels were all too far down the tree, too happy with this 'peace' the tree brought them, they couldn't notice the burning tops. But Ayame would save them. She knew it. It was time for the way the heroes' of old did it, heroes like Pain and Konan of the Rain. [i]The Angel.[/i] A nickname that held true in many ways, and a nickname currently also used for another figure. Ayame's mind grinded to a halt as she thought about it, her vision blurring itself as she thought of Konan, of Kusaru. It had to be. It couldn't be any other way.. [hr] [center][h2][color=415E79]Saburo Uchiha, “Kimyōna”[/color][/h2] [IMG]http://s15.postimg.org/4ti9k7yq3/Saburo.png[/IMG] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QenLEGUc4A]Break Down[/url][/center] [hr] Saburo had moved alongside the rest of the 11th, following commander Fujitora. However, when Ayame made the big reveal, he had chosen to stay behind on the roofs and keep overwatch. Anyone that would notice him, would also notice a new chokuto hanging from his back, horizontally across his lower back. It shimmered in the sunlight - as long as that light lasted before the rain took over. Saburo noticed many things, a spat between Nobunaga and Daiki, interference from a medical nin, Tsukiko going half stark-raving mad, Tatsuya almost erupting in anger before Aoi subdued him. It was all interesting, to see 'friends' fight eachother like bitter enemies. It even got a small genuine smile out of Saburo's face, to know that friendship was as fickle as a bloodline. One mess-up.. and you would get this. Never ending rivalry. He looked side to side at his fellow 11th corps members, who seemed to be enjoying the show as well. Before Daiki got the chance to do something he'd regret, Saburo formed several handseals before poofing away, appearing in front of Daiki, and between Nobunaga, Yuna and Daiki. He stretched his arm out with an open palm, facing Daiki and nearly grabbing a hold of his head, if he would close his hand. His other hand was holding the gunbai that had 'defeated' Daiki and his allies earlier with too much ease. If it weren't for Saburo's indifference, he'd have mocked Daiki about it. But that wasn't what he was here to do. His eyes glowed crimson red, with tomoe showing clearly to the crowd, as he stared into Daiki's Sharingan. Saburo had appeared before any of the two jonin could subdue the fighting parties, stopping the fight instantaneously. [color=415E79]“You should rest now, Daiki [i]Naito[/i]. Troubles are ahead for your clan, [i]Uchiha.[/i]”[/color] he said calmly, staring Daiki down as he gripped slowly moved the gunbai back onto his back. With a slow movement, Saburo would untie the sparkling new chokuto from his waist, and catch it with his right hand whilst holding his left hand still in position in front of Daiki's face. As soon as he had readied the chokuto, still in it's sheath as he held it out. Slowly he straighted himself out, facing Daiki completely now. It was quite weird, given that they were pretty much in front of anyone, but Saburo had been wanting to do this for a while now. This wasn't for the 11th, this was for himself. Something that the 11th would simply have to accept. [color=415E79]“I can ease your struggles a bit, Uchiha Daiki. We can become brothers. If you'd like. I have never had a brother. I think it would be fun. Though.. there's a complication. You'd have to accept the Uchiha surname, and renounce your Naito heritage. It's not a big deal. A formality, really. You could still be friends with the Naito clan. I think. Perhaps your friend would be more keen to visit then, too?”[/color] he said, speaking of only a 'friend' where as he himself and Daiki would perfectly understand that Saburo was talking about his uncle. Saburo's face was completely serious, not even showing a trace of emotion, no anger, happiness or sadness. Just bussiness. Slowly he raised the chokuto in front of him, vertically, holding it out towards Daiki. [color=415E79]“In return, I am allowed to offer you this. I know it doesn't look like much but..”[/color] he slowly tilted the blade to be horizontal, using his other hand to then pull the blade out of it's sheath, showcasing it to Daiki. [color=415E79]“.. it's the [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Sword_of_Kusanagi_%28Sasuke_Uchiha%29]Sword of Kusanagi.[/url] Otherwise known as Sasuke Uchiha's sword. I would only offer it to my brother, as you would understand..”[/color] he said, softening his voice a bit as he turned more serious, becoming more of an Uchiha, rather than an 11th corps. It seemed that despite the indoctrination that Saburo had undergone, he still maintained some of that Uchiha pride that seemed so fierce in the early days in history, but had faded ever since. Perhaps it was a remnant of never knowing the modern history of the Uchiha's, only ever reading books about the old times. [color=415E79]“.. what do you think?”[/color] [center][h2][color=gray]The Next Morning[/color][/h2][/center] The rain still poured as the jutsu kept up it's work, allowing Ayame to, more or less, trail anyone that was walking outside in the rain. It had certainly made the streets a lot calmer. Though there were some figures moving around, Ayame sensed that. But it was figures that she recognised. First she noticed Reijo Minamoru, behind him Yamato Minamoru. Not that she recognised them from the rain, but they had left from the Minamoru estate and had since then headed for the Uzumaki estate. It seemed that Reijo was doing pretty much what was expected - he was going to poll the reactions and do what he did best. Whatever that was.. Yamato was just there for show. Reijo approached the Uzumaki estate, knocking on the door twice before leaving again. It wasn't a visit or anything like that, it was a call to meeting. Also expected. Apparently a meeting had already been established. Reijo left again with Yamato in tow, going to every large clans' estate and knocking twice before leaving again. The entire circle around Konoha was completed in about half an hour, and then they headed for the large teahouse at the very center of Konoha. The streets were empty besides those who were headed to the meeting. Ayame simply folded her hands together as she felt the sensation of the rain, telling her the movement of every person, rat and bug in the village. The families all came together, with the clan head and the heir there as well. It was going to be a very interesting meeting, but the rain jutsu in no way allowed her to listen in. [color=black]“Uchiha.”[/color] [color=415E79][b]“Hai, hokage-sama?!”[/b][/color] The voices rang through the dark hokages' office. Ayame hadn't left for the entirety of the night, waiting as she felt the sensations of the rain transmitting to her every movement. She had felt everything - the slow dispersion of the group, until there was nobody left. The feeling of rats running through the cities.. frogs, sitting at the waters edge. She understood, finally, why Pain was revered as a god. Because.. in a way, he was god. In a way, Ayame felt like a god. But she knew better. Ultimately, Pain's downfall was exactly this. He thought to be untouchable, to be unbeatable. And so, when he got beaten, he was talked into submission by a kid. A kid, who turned out to be the greatest shinobi ever. A kid.. who turned out later to be the kindling to the fire that burnt the tree of Konoha. Ayame knew she had to be more like Hanzo. Unliked, but one of the greatest Kage's in existence. Nobody ever liked him as a kid.. Ayame was the only one that could respect him for his logical thought processes. Ultimately, Danzo Shimura was his downfall. But Hanzo had meanwhile kickstarted Ayame's love for poisons. It's the reason she got into poisons, after all. [color=black]“I told you twice. Don't call me hokage.”[/color] she said softly, at a living-room sound level. [color=415E79][b]“But you are the de-facto hokage as of now, hokage-sama.”[/b][/color] [color=black]“Yes. But I don't want to be. I just want to make sure Konoha gets on the right course again. I am not a hokage. I am not from Konoha. Don't call me hokage. Just call me Ayame. Mrs. Choko if you must.”[/color] [color=415E79][b]“Hai, mrs. Choko.”[/b][/color] Ayame's voice was obviously tired, but her eyes spoke of energy. She still had work to do and so, sleep would have to wait. Surely, Fujitora was up right now, organising the 11th to do whatever he had planned for them. As long as he got the plans they had made done, she'd not complain. The 11th was now his playground. Surely, he would construct it to be greater. Greater than the 11th ever was. [i]Greater than ROOT ever was.[/i] [color=black]“Uchiha, please visit the teahouse in the center of the village. All the clans will be there. Tell them you will be there just to ensure their safety. I want to receive a report or a verbal summary of what happened there. That.. will be all.”[/color] [color=415E79][b]“Hai, mrs. Choko.”[/b][/color] The sound of a door opening and closing was all that was heard in the entirety of the hokages' office, as a 11th guard member stood guard outside the door in the hallway, but made not a sound as he stood in absolute silence. The same was true for the entrance, where two of them stood. Not to speak of the hidden 11th guards, that were simply hidden in plain sight most often. Saburo left the hokages building, heading for the larger teahouse in the center of the village, approaching slowly as he simply walked there. There was no real rush. As soon as he'd arrive he'd open the doors and head for the large meeting hall, which was scheduled for Reijo Minamoru today. Once there he opened the large wooden doors and entered the room, bowing swiftly as he set a foot inside. [color=415E79][b]“Saburo Uchiha reporting. I am with the 11th corps and I've been ordered to protect this meeting. I'm sure you all understand. Sadly, there can be no discussion about it. The new hokage has seen fit to guard this meeting with her personal guard.”[/b][/color] he spoke as he was bowed over, before raising himself and taking place in the corner, standing there watching over the meeting. It was clear there would be no dismissing him - he'd stay here no matter what. The room was filled with all clans that were interested in visiting and listening, as well as anyone who wasn't directly a representative, though only the larger, esteemed clans such as the Uchiha, Hyuga, Uzumaki, Inuzuka, Naito, Maru, Minamoru and the Hojo were given places at the large center table to the room, where as the rest were supposed to sit at the sides, watching over and keeping their mouths shut, only listening. Reijo only gave Saburo a glance, not paying him much mind. An 11th representative was no bother at all, since Reijo's intentions were going to happen regardless of who knew about them. He sat at the head of the table, since he'd arranged the meeting and thus he was expected to come up with an order of doing things. Yamato was seated besides him, in a more ceremonial dress style. He wore a black, frog button styled button up shirt, with dark purple trims on the sleeves and his hems. It was quite a sight to see him like that, showcasing that he could actually be a somewhat handsome boy, regardless of the scars on his face. It was a difference especially since he wasn't wearing the armor he usually wore, which actually caused some to look in confusion as they saw him. [color=9e005d][b]“Thank you all for coming. I'm sure you all know why we are here, and the matters we are to discuss are pressing. However, pressing matters does not mean I will forget traditions.”[/b][/color] It was, obviously, quite representative of the Minamoru clan to hold true to tradition, even if there had been a coup staged just the day before. Very characteristical. Almost as soon as he finished his sentence, a group of about 15 men and women walked in holding trays of tea, that would be placed down in front of everyone seated at the table - both the head, and the heir or chosen representative of a clan. They were all expected to drink tea at the same time, as tradition more or less commanded, followed by several words to be spoken by the head of the meeting, in this case Reijo. Once the formalities were out of the way, taking up approximately 15 minutes in total, Reijo started the discussion. [color=9e005d][b]“Now, with that out of the way, I'd like to open the discussion about our new Hokage. I'd like to ask all clans to express their opinions on the actions of not only Ayame Choko, immigrant from Amegakure, poison expert, historicus, former Hokages' assistant, and currently seated Hokage, but also their opinions on Fujitora Choko, immigrant from Amegakure, former Jonin commander, currently commander of the 11th corps and.. ahem.. [i]drug addict.[/i] I'd ask not only the clan head to speak, but also the representatives or the heirs, whichever is present. Thank you.”[/b][/color] He grabbed several papers together for himself, which held his own points. He'd ofcourse open the discussion. That was to be expected of the leader. He cleared his throat, before continueing. He spoke loudly and charismatically, a skill he'd picked up over the course of the years of leading economical powerhouses, and less legal groups. [color=9e005d][b]“As for my clan, the most esteemed Minamoru, I personally have chosen to accept Ayame Choko as our new Hokage. While her ways of taking power were certainly not.. acceptable.. I feel that she was right in mind when she said that the Hokage was leading us down the wrong path. Over the course of the years Konohagakure has grown weaker and, if any other village were to attack us, we'd be defenseless. I mean, if Kumogakure were to mount an attack [i]right now..[/i] they would have two jinchuuriki's at their disposal, while we have none. All that was the doing of the former hokages. It's time we set that straight, and consolidate ourselves as a world power once more. Not just any power, but like our new hokage has said herself, thé world power.”[/b][/color] He coughed once more as he closed his little speech, short but powerful, delivering the message that had to be delivered. These speeches were never meant to last long, only to convey the opinions of those involved, and their reasons for having the opinion. The word then passed to Yamato, who looked at the group for a few seconds, taking in the attention he received. It wasn't that he was shy, but he knew he'd have to choose his words carefully. [color=9e0039][b]“My father speaks from his experience as a politician and an economical leader. He knows a thing or two about shinobi life, I'd dare say. But he doesn't realize the full impact the change of a hokage can have on the shinobi forces.”[/b][/color] Slowly Yamato raised out of his chair, standing up to try and be as charismatic as he could be. His arms were close to his body, relaxed but at the same time, sort of tensed up. [color=9e0039][b]“I do. Zeno Hakarasu was a good Hokage. He knew some things. Sadly, he was only a good hokage in the sense that he was strong. Politically, he knew nothing. He chased a dream that we all know is too far to catch. Peace.. is unobtainable. Conflict simmers between the villages and instead of mending it with blood, or talks, we mend it with conferences that never end up fixing a thing. Ayame knows this, and Ayame intends to fix this. I have faith in that. And if she doesn't..”[/b][/color] Yamato glanced at Saburo before speaking his next words slowly, realizing that they could endanger him possibly, but speaking them regardless. [color=9e0039][b]“.. I seem to recall that coups tend to get overthrown by another coup relatively quickly.”[/b][/color]