[center] [h1] [color=purple] Zane Tracer~~Pawn Shop [/color] [/h1] [/center] Zane had been patiently waiting, keeping to himself in the corner until the pawn shop was suddenly draped in darkness. He jumped up, knocking over his chair and immediately tried to make a light. It failed. He heard a commotion nearby and felt an evil presence nearby. [quote=@KoL] [color=deepskyblue]"You! How many times have I told you to leave you alone, you stalker?"[/color] Eos said, pointing her drones at the obvious culprit, which in this case was none other than Zane, though she couldn't proccess how he got control over the shadows in addition to his already sizeable arsenal. [/quote] [color=purple]"Tch, If you think this is my doing, then your circuits need to be cleaned.[/color] Zane replied coolly. He knew she couldn't see him, but he gave a wider smile in her direction. [color=purple]"Besides, how could I study you in pitch black hmmm?"[/color] He chuckled. [color=purple], "That aside, lets do something about this darkness that keeps me from seeing you."[/color] He was playing up to expectations a little, and not caring what they thought of him. He focused his power, his drones guided by his thoughts. [color=purple], "Aparturum."[/color] He said, waving his hand horizontally. A portal to the Crimson Sky opened, which he stepped through and repeated the process, forcing the portal to open right outside the dome of darkness. He went through, leaving the portals for any of the others, who wanted to use them. He immediately felt a powerful presence on top of the building nearby. Its was the only noteworthy power around, so he knew it had to be the owner of the dome of darkness. He gathered his Dynamos behind him, and propelled himself up past them. He moved forward and landed in the middle of the pack of shadow beasts. Once his feet hit the ground, his Dynamos detached and surrounded him. At his mental command they started firing blasts of plasma at all of the beasts. He turned to the figure and said, [color=purple], "Excuse me, but you are interrupting my study,"[/color] His two largest Dynamos moved over his shoulders and trained their cannons on her.[color=purple]"And I [b]detest[/b] being interrupted."[/color] He spat.