It didn't don on Cinwi until Jin had left to wonder just what a Chaser was doing with a Youkai healer in their pocket. Did the woman do this sort of thing a lot, or was it a one-off thing? Was she here on her own will or were Jun and his other Chaser buddies holding her hostage? Either way, she didn't need to think on it long, as there was little doubt the "Dangeki" place he had been talking about was a veritable hub for Chasers. The sight of so many set her defensive nature off, red flags flying panicked in her head, and she scurried away without another word. Best of luck to the Jun guy, but fucked if she was gonna be around that many of those bastards for any extended amount of time. She'd had enough unfriendly run-ins to know that most would attack first and ask questions after, and in Cinwi's case, neither were good outcomes. So with her newly-regained energy, she clambered atop one of the nearby building's fire escapes and ascended to the roof. Peeking her head out, she was relieved to find it empty, and though she no longer had most of her disguise, the hood would do well enough to hide her face. It took Cinwi a few moments to register that there wasn't much for her to do except hide, that much of what was going on in the city would mean her death if she misstepped. She nevertheless meandered along the adjacent rooftops, careful not to fall and careful not to do anything too over-exerting on the off chance that the healer's magic was a hack job. It seemed like she would be holing up for the night beneath an awning until a particularly gruesome sight caught her eye. Trailing down the street were more than a dozen Youkai, all prone and sprawled out, some writhing, some still, all alive and in immense agony. Her mouth went agape, and the familiar pit started forming in her stomach. She pushed it back, and her cautious fear was unsurprisingly replaced with anger. Fucking. Chasers. Did she have the [i]best[/i] relationship with her own kind? No, but damned if she was gonna sit by and let some uppity shithead human rampage through the streets leaving them for dead. Cinwi made her way down to the street-level, whereupon she followed the trail of groaning Youkai. It took more than a slight amount of self control to keep from trying to talk with them, she knew there was nothing in her power that could help, and like hell was she going back to that Chaser nest. The best thing she could do was hope to find whoever had caused this, or find out if anyone had been left [i]truly[/i] alive. At length she came upon a house, at which point the trail of Youkai ceased. It looked to be in pretty shitty shape, but then it was likely the scene of a battle. As she prepared to enter she thought over what she might do. Close quarters were her advantage, and if she could catch the Chaser by surprise there'd be no fight at all, unless they were some fucking master in which case... she didn't want to think about that, just go in, rip and tear, and get out. Easy peasy. She took a deep breath, her claws at the ready, and charged inside, a ferocious roar bubbling in her throat. And yet the moment she entered it died away. What she found was no Chaser, clearly, the seated figure's mere presence attested to that. There was blood everywhere, but she could see no body, and for what it was worth the fucker looked pretty pleased with himself. She blinked, surprised, and her savage preparations for attack waned away. Instead she stood up straight and looked around. Holy shit, was she late? Her attention turned to him, and though she wouldn't dare admit it, the guy creeped her the hell out. [color=7ea7d8]"You alright? Looks like you already took care of whoever the fuck this was,"[/color] she said, motioning to the red splatters. [color=7ea7d8]"Hey there's prolly gonna be a shitload more Chasers heading this way soon, so you might want to get moving. Not smart to test your luck with these fuckers."[/color]