Also, haven't looked over IC stuff yet, but addressing (now super old) OOC questions that had come up... Cath will be officially dropped, meaning that she'll be an NPC. I have no intentions of controlling her more than I have to, it's just not something I find fun, so we can pretty much do whatever in that regard. Iunno, if somebody has an actual plan they'd want to enact IC, let me know. As far as augs go for our trogs, (if any are left, like I said, haven't run through the IC yet) they've all got smartlinks, a couple with wired reflexes, a fake limb or two (go nuts, I'm not gonna clamp down on the nitty gritty, do what you want within reason.) Nobody's got anything way out of whack, but the standard samurai kit is basically present, just scattered in between them.