[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Jackson%20Jones&name=Dreamscar.ttf&size=60&style_color=80000F[/img] [h1]&[/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/g0YO46E.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] Levi looked at Jackson, maintaining and breaking eye contact at random intervals as he awaited a response to AJ’s where-a-bouts. Jackson took a sip of the coffee before him, letting it cool him for a moment before speaking. [color=ff0000][b]"Uhm, last I saw she was standing at the counter. I turned my back for a moment to talk to someone so after than I have not."[/b][/color] [b]“Oh.”[/b] Levi eyes darted around the room in search of the girl. [color=silver][b]“I think I see her, thank-“[/b][/color] before Levi could utter another word, he was interrupted casually by the man before him. [color=ff0000][b]"You're not late, are you, Levi?"[/b][/color] Jackson shot him an impish smirk, locking eyes with Levi for a few brief moments. [color=silver][b]“Late..? Me?”[/b][/color] Levi appeared tense as a light blush appeared in his cheeks; he seemed a bit uncomfortable but nevertheless kept the conversation flowing. [color=silver][b]“I’d never!”[/b][/color] [color=ff0000][b]"Well, please, sit. If you have the time, that is."[/b][/color] Jackson took another sip of his water; eyeing the man before him head to toe as he rather casually bit his lip, [color=silver][b]“I-I guess I could sit down for a moment.”[/b][/color] Levi interjected, unknowing if Jackson was interested in him; which almost broadcasted his insecurity and doubt. [color=silver][b]“So, what’s on your mind?”[/b][/color] [color=ff0000][b]"Other than the fact you just lied to me..."[/b][/color] Jackson had a look of lust on his face that quickly turned into disappointment after he was just lied to by Levi. [color=ff0000][b]"Nope, nothing but maybe we can just chat. You're young and I am sure that is something you want to would like to say, no?"[/b][/color] Jackson inquired and pried a bit, watching Levi’s smile fade. [color=silver][b]"Okay... Maybe I'm a tad late."[/b][/color] Levi blushed heavily as he glanced down at the table in embarrassment; yet he was oddly suspicious that Jackson knew his hours so well; then again he was a regular customer at Huskers. [color=silver][b]"I'm sorry, maybe I should get back to work..."[/b][/color] Levi stood and made his exit from the booth, dazed at the mixture of embarrassment and shame he felt. [color=silver][b]"I really am sorry, it wasn't my intentions to lie. I just didn't want to be rude."[/b][/color] Just as Levi began to walk away, Jackson reached out to touch Levi's hand, it wasn’t his intentions to upset the attractive bartender; he was only flirting. [color=ff0000][b]"No, forgive me for questioning you. It wasn’t my place to do so."[/b][/color] Jackson removed his hand from Levi's, lowering his head for a brief moment then rose it back up to look at Levi’s beautiful eyes. [color=ff0000][b]"Perhaps, maybe you could come over to my place for dinner tonight?"[/b][/color] Levi stood shocked, blushing a deep red. [color=silver][b]"I-I-I..."[/b][/color] He wanted to, he just blanked out. [color=silver][b]"I-I don't know, I-I... Uh, have to take care of my father; he's uh, sick."[/b][/color] Jackson maintained his cool as he calmly reached in his cargo shorts pocket and hand Levi a card that showed his cell phone number and address. [color=ff0000][b]"At least consider it or I'll be the real one embarrassed here, now get back to work."[/b][/color] A playful smirk came about among his lips as Jackson waved Levi off without another word, a bit angered with him for lying yet again. Though, he couldn't be mad at him for too long, Levi was only a virgin; it was normal for someone of his status to be nervous, but as of right now, Levi was Jackson's prey and he was going to get Levi one way or another.