[hr][h1][i][color=dodgerblue]Lihua Vuhong.[/color][/i][/h1][sub][@Spoopy Scary][/sub][hr] Baron went on and on, giving orders to the other NEST Agents as to how they can preserve Khan, and track her killer down. Sighing, Lihua wondered if all these tests would even get results. At this point, Khan's killer might be far away from the scene as possible, and might not have a trail for her to follow. Though, she should stop being so pessimistic, and hope for a change. She looked around, and saw all the dead NEST Agents and Fiends being hauled out, along with NEST trying to pick up the pieces. [i]Good grief... All these lives lost... and for what... for what?[/i] Lihua thought to herself. It'd take weeks to shift through all these bodies to identify them. She just shook her head. Still, she kept a [i]smile[/i] (or something close to it) on her face as she listened to Baron explaining the depressant and it's effects. "[i]Affirmative.[/i]" Lihua said. If only she had the right equipment on, she could take the samples herself. She had things to take care of herself, so she took a few steps forward, and put a finger on her earpiece. Ready to ask questions, but that's when Baron told her, [i]“Whatever happens, we need to find out who was behind Khan’s death.”[/i] Baron said taking a puff of his cigarette ([i]Funny, never pegged you as a smoking type[/i]). [i]“And Lihua Vuhong... meet with Washe and me tonight. We need to talk.”[/i] That made her stop, and turn her upper body around to look at him. It's clear about what they were going to talk about. Lihua merely nodded her head. "Where do you want to meet?" She asked. Before she noticed that NEST Agents, the body collectors, were hoisting Khan's body onto a stretcher, and pulling her way. Lihua wasn't going to hold her breath, they likely weren't going to get anything off of her. Someone had a hand here, and they wanted Khan dead. She was a loose end, and this man was a tier. She probably knew too much, and arranged for this whole bloodbath. She sighed, and put her fingers on her earpiece, and asked, "Agent Vuhong, what is the status of the situation?" A man on the other end answered, "What's left of the Fiends are either desperately scrambling out of the building, or they're putting up a fight. Either way, we're detaining what's left of them. Agents are sweeping every floor of the building. The situation looks under control." [i]I sincerely[/i] hope [i]they didn't touch my office...[/i] Lihua thought to herself, before saying, "Affirmative, continue." "Two other Fiend lieutenants have been taken out of the picture. Burnmark was shot down on the fifth floor, and Big Dong got into a confrontation with two NEST Agents; Agent Olin, and Agent Gallus." The man continued, "Both have been severely injured, but they managed to collar him, and he's now resting in a cell." "Good, all that leaves is Plague... if he's not heading to Mexico as we speak." Lihua said. [i]I hope Gallus and Olin are alright.[/i] She thought to herself. The Fiends have been effectively destroyed during this surprise attack on the Headquarters. This was basically a Pyrrhic victory. Both sides have taken hits that neither can recover from easily. She'll be having a talk with Big Dong soon. "... However, after talking to Agent Olin, he mentioned that Big Dong was chasing after a strange woman." The man paused, letting the words hang in the air. "A quick review of some security footage showed that she was no NEST Agent. We don't know where she came from, or where she went." Lihua's eyes shot open. She clenched her fists, and refrained from loudly swearing. Lihua couldn't help but let a [i]little[/i] bit of her temper flare. Which showed in her next question, "So, what you're telling me is that an entire gang, and two unknown parties, snuck into one of [i]the[/i] most secure locations in all of California like we left the [i]fucking[/i] key hanging from the door!?" She got louder and louder with each word. She let out a sigh, and shook her head. [i]God damn it...[/i] She didn't know if it was incompetence, or someone was pulling some[i] mighty[/i] long strings from behind the scenes. Lihua honestly didn't know what to do. Meifeng's missing, The NEST Headquarters was just about knocked over, [i]and[/i] there's a traitor within NEST. Okay, okay, okay. Lihua started breathing in and out, her eyes closed. She was getting overwhelmed a bit here. She needed to calm down, and get everything in order. Find her [i]zen[/i]. Lihua turned around and faced Baron, saying, "Apparently, [i]another[/i] person snuck into the building. A woman with blue skin dressed up like she was supposed to be in some western. I'll... have a file for her later." She shook her head again. Putting fingers on the side of her head. Though, she knew what was part of the problem. Now that Khan and the Fiends have been disposed of, there is one real thing on her mind: Meifeng. Worried thoughts about what happened to her daughter was filling her head. Lihua sighed again, and simply admitted it, "I... think I'll retire for the night soon... I need to find my daughter... it's... distracting me." What anyone in NEST thought of her was unimportant now, really. Everyone around her was trying to pick up the pieces of this disaster.