Zenai had to resist the urge to forcibly facepalm, of course that mountain of a man couldn't make it up the chimney without breaking it. He wasn't Santa after all. She was about to say something else when the door was suddenly broken down by the troops outside. Zenai barely stopped herself from looking at the chimney and hinting at where the others had escaped. Really she was being quite stupid today, a glance at the 'Claws' and she saw that she had no chance of winning a fight. The Russian however did have a gun... The gun most have at least 6 bullets in the chamber if she was luckily 9. Either way if the Russian was some sort of military trained man he just might be able to shoot his way out, but even then they would have to fight their way through the rest of the castle then escape. Technically these 'Claws' didn't know they were enemies, they were just being cautious, Zenia could probably cook up some sort of story that was plausible enough to at least keep her out of some sort of dank prison. In addition of course she doubted that the Russian would be doing much giving in even if he understood English, lucky she had arrived in a world where english was at least [i]a[/i] primary language. Just in case she decided it would be best to attempt to explain, "Of course I will surrender though I have no idea where I am, one moment please while I explain to my friend." She said in a calm voice then said to the Russian, "[color=purple]Um, Они хотят, чтобы отказаться[/color].", of course even she could tell what the big man thought of her Russian, being patronizing was universal after all, but clearly it was understandable which was good enough for her. After all she had only been learning it for around 6 months. Interesting assembly of races, there seemed to be some sort of orchish creature and simply a large human with a bear head, though that might just be ornamentation. "[color=purple]Though I'd request as terms of my surrender that I'm adequately clothed.[/color]" She said smiling and gesturing and her lack of decent apparel. Guess there was some value to sleeping in your clothes after all. Zenia hoped the Russian would give it but had a sinking feeling he was more of a fight to the death guy, oh well, if nothing else her calm acceptance should throw the attackers off guard if the giant man did decide to attack.