[h1]Itsuki, 22nd ward -> 7th ward[/h1] [hr] As the ghoul fled, Nidhogg considered giving chase but decided against. He was pushing his luck by being in this territory in the first place. Chasing his prey into the Lion's den would be beyond foolish. With that in mind, he jump back into the alleyway to see the woman had remained there, frozen in fear and gripping her bleeding shoulder in an attempt to stop the bleeding. When he approached, the woman tried to back away, but her back was already to the wall. Before she could make a noise, Nidhogg struck with a sharp blow to the gut. She was out in seconds, draped across his fist as he stared down at her body. The smell of blood was entucung as always, butthe temptation had long since lost it's purchase on him after years of feasting purely on the flesh of ghouls, je'd forgotten what humans had tasted like and had little desire to find out again. Picking the woman up, he quickly left the alleyway, hopping from rooftop to rooftop away from the 22nd ward and making his way to the 7th, where there was a hospital that he could leave her at to be treated. After he took care of that, his appearance with the woman causing quite the stir and probably resulting in a call to the CCG if nothing else, he quickly left the area stopping once he reached an alleyway a respectable distance from the hospital. Taking off his mask, he let out a sigh of annoyance as he felt his stomach twist ever so slightly. [i]If I don't find another meal within the week, life is really going to suck.[/i] Itsuki thought as his Kakugan faded away, and his Nidhogg persona with it. After he'd taken a second to recuperate himself, he got up and turned around, removing a few loose bricks to reveal that this alley was on of the places he stored away his hunting outfits, spread throughout the neutral areas of Tokyo. He placed his mask down amongst the folds of his extra cloaks, before covering it back up again. Once that had been taken care of, he looked just like your average homeless man, a down on his luck young man that pity look down on or pitied. Exiting the alley, he began to make his way xlowly to his special hideout, located in the 16th ward. It was a small hole in the wall underneath a meat warehouse, and after a few renovations from the outside, he'd been able go make a storage place for extra food in case he runs into trouble. He had to go slowly, hiwever, as the fringes of morning poked out across the horizonnand humans began to walk the streets again. [@Ornatur]