Ian soon realized there was no one else that would be coming out of the chimney. He looked towards the last step towards escape. The quiet woman went down easily, a few others had a bit of trouble. When no one else went, he did. Ian took his first few steps with caution. He then continued with ease. Unfortunately, a chunk of the makeshift ramp slid off where Ian had stepped. He was still high enough to fall and get seriously injured. He slipped and just grabbed hold of the edge. Ian took a deep breath and lifted himself back onto the ramp. There was no rapid heart beat nor was his adrenaline or breath increased. As soon as he got to ground level again, he noticed a pile of bags, all labeled with names. Two men were digging through their bags already. One even stripped half naked to put his clothes on. The quiet lady stood there staring at the pile. Ian wasn't exactly sure what to do from here. He stood for a while and then knelt to the ground. Whatever was going on here was probably the weirdest thing that has ever happened in his entire life. The man that stripped half naked, was now wearing medieval clothes. [color=f26522]"What the hell do we do...?"[/color] Ian whispered these words to himself quietly. He wasn't sure if anyone heard them. "[color=0054a6]So, where do we go from here? I'm open to suggestions.[/color]" Ian wasn't sure about what exactly they should do. After a few moments of silence Ian spoke up. [color=f26522]"Do we split into groups?"[/color] He knew it probably wasn't the best idea in the world. But he thought if they were all together in a group, it could cause controversy. It could cause suspicion to the locals. In these times, all they needed was suspicion and a though, and it could get you executed. This is what Ian was worried about.