[center][h2]Aurora, The Land of Twilight and Falsities[/h2][/center] [Center][youtube=hu0ymRpWmYA]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hu0ymRpWmYA[/youtube][/center] [center][i][b]“Do you live your life everyday as if it was your last, pursuing and doing whatever makes you happy? Do you cherish those around you, or do you instead take them for granted? Perhaps… you are unsatisfied with how you are living or are you perhaps sick of things not going your way…?” “What if you had a chance to live a new life, in a world where you could do anything, pursue your dreams and do whatever you wanted till your heart’s content… Become a hero… a villain… find the perfect wife or slaughter everything in your path. Maybe you would want to save all those before you, or worry about yourself? If given the chance, would you take that offer, and leave everyone you know and love behind to start anew in a world where no one knew you?” “Just what would you sacrifice and do… for happiness… or unimaginable power?”[/b] Aurora is but a wondrous and beautiful place, one that The Maker made in order to see things that were told to be false and trivial come into reality. Angels, Demons, Dwarves, Elves, Humans, Orcs, Trolls, Goblins, Minotaurs, Ogres, and Gremlins… these were all but small little races living together in a massive world that was united among so many other races. Our lives were peaceful and pleasant, with all of the many races of this world living in a delicate harmony under a common balance. Under the leadership of the Council of the Six Saints, the world of Aurora was a gentle place that protected its people, and where creatures of fantasies, dreams, and imaginations ran wild while interacting happily with others. The Council of the Six Saints which included Deus, The Saint of Mortals; Oberon, The Saint of the Fae; Lucius, The Saint of Deities; Behemoth, The Saint of Beasts; Norn, The Saint of Earth; and their leader and voice of reason, Aether, The Saint of Order, kept the harmony of the world of Aurora for ages while The Maker kept the other Gods in check. Everything… was perfect. A true paradise. Although, an event that none of us will never forget… one that we call “Aurora’s Dawn” happened, did everything change. [/i][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/I0z1IYN.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]An ear-piercing howl, almost like a cry sounded throughout the air as the skies darkened all over the world. Those who were there and survived told us that above the chapel of the Six Saints where they were holding a gathering, the clouds tore apart and red lightning began to spew forth as dark blood began to fall from the skies. As the clouds and skies themselves tore themselves asunder as a massive pillars of crimson lighting scorched the ground in a single location, the ground erupted and the streets flooded with countless protrusions, destroying the city surrounding the chapel and killing hundreds of thousands who lived there… all the while covering the Chapel of the Six Saints in a ghastly bloodied color. Then, a blinding blue light emerged from the chapel only to vanish in an instant… and as those who went to investigate to see what happened, they found that the Six Saints were no longer there and had vanished without a single trace. Upon the end of this event, we learned that The Maker had been killed. With this grave event, many of the gods who were kept in balance and were prevented from fighting took this opportunity to pursue their own goals and desires, while others fled and hid. This led to what became known as the God Wars… but they fought not with what we were used to. No, no… but instead they fought with magic of unbelievable proportions. Allying themselves with the different races and persuading them to join them in their cause, the Gods fought one another and waged war over the land and the world for dominion, and as its ruler. Fire rained from the skies, tsunamis covered the land, and the earth split apart… The very land itself changed as they clashed, with continents and world itself reforming… until they Gods stopped falling, leaving only the Gods who were the strongest and those who remained hidden from the conflict. Then, the world changed once more… but in an unexpected way. In a sudden twist of fate, one of the cowardly yet most intelligent of all, the God of Technology allied himself with the lowly Human race, the weakest race of all that was on the brink of extinction and was left to defend itself... and offered them a deal they could not refuse: [b]“Sacrifice your bodies to me, and I will make you strong enough to take back your lands, avenge your families, along with granting you unimaginable power… all I ask in return, is your undying loyalty and protection.”[/b] The human heart is a strange thing, along with the power of emotions… something that no other race could understand. Revenge, suffering, powerlessness, hopelessness, all of these were things that were toying with the humans and the God gave them a chance to have it all. The deal was made, and the Scions were born…[/i][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/QblK7Dh.png[/img][/center] [center][i]Humanoid creatures with flesh made of titanium and metals, capable of fighting stronger than a hundred men could at their highest potential. Wielding bladed weapons that were also capable of firing lighting and thunder with shards of steel, the word of the Scions and their strength soon spread. A single force was more than enough to slay dragons and villages, taking over territories held by Angelic and Demonic forces, while the lesser races were forced to retreat in fear of being decimated. Which brings us to our current situation: it has been a century since the Scions were born and they have taken quite a bit of power, having establish dominion over half of the land, while the remaining of the surviving gods still fight them on the border of their lands in a crumbling alliance. As for the creatures who inhabit the land, most are subjugated and are slaves to the Scions, others fight alongside the remaining Gods in hopes of victory, and while some choose to hide and live where neither the Scion nor the Gods have traveled to. But, this is where your story will start, human… [b]“…and I must say, it’s been a while since both myself and the people of this world have seen a human before… It truly is invigorating!”[/b][/i][/center] [hr] Hello, my name is Gnar, and I am back from a very long hiatus to introduce the Land of Aurora, where there lies many different fantasy creatures along with an ongoing war between the Human Race/Scions and the Current Gods and allied creatures for dominance. You, as the player, are free to explore the land and do as you please, but do be warned that exploring by yourself can and will be dangerous now that Aurora is no longer peaceful and that things are rather chaotic. Outside of the major cities, things go as they please with independent leaders doing whatever they want, and the old laws being ignored... so trouble is brewing around every corner. However, that does not mean you are simply weak and unarmed while exploring this vast world! While certainly there will be a central plot, such as finding the way to go back home to your own world, the main point is to survive in Aurora while solving the many problems that have arisen. Your decisions and actions shape your destiny and your future, along with developing your status and your renown through the world... along with enhancing your powers in a Fable-esque manner. Whether you use magic, swords, bows, guns, or even your bare fists... whatever you so desire, your very own style of combat will shape you into the warrior that you see fit for your character, making them literally into the desired combatant you want them to be by granting them more abilities the more they practice in that specific arts. This means you could have a character capable of stealth, magic, and summoning if you practice hard enough- but of course you wont start off with such a character right away and will have to work your way up there through effort and progress. Since this is a new land, and the power of The Maker still lingers, wounds that were once life-threatening, limbs that were lost, or other such things that were missing or affecting your character in their world no longer affect them, while limbs have been regrown 'magically'. This is the power of The Maker and the being that once helped to keep the balance of the world in check. The powers of your characters are boundless and are only limited by your mind and your imagination, however, unlike previous RPs, I'm going to be [i][b]far[/b][/i] more strict here, along with placing an example character of my own to help serve as a basis model for people if they are interested. [hr] Important notes/rules here: [list] [*] Standard RP rules do apply, and you are responsible for your own character! [*] I like to invoke strong emotions and reactions out of people through posts; it keeps things interesting and its unexpected. So do keep that in mind. [*] If something seems like a bad idea, it probably is. Just be sure to ask me or run it over with everyone before you bring anything into the RP, whether it be a new weapon, a side-NPC, or something. This is just to prevent problems from occurring. [*] Attempting to fight strong foes is okay. I'll warn you and give clear hints if its a bad idea... but if you constantly ignore them, I can't guarantee your character's safety, or their life. [*] You can pretty much join whatever side you want in this RP; become a villain, a hero, or a new faction entirely that's dead set on conquering the land... I don't care. Just remember that every action does have its consequences. [*] Have common sense! Again, I can't stress this enough! [*] HAVE FUN! This is a game after all, everyone is supposed to have fun, not only you! Make sure you and everyone around you are enjoying things. If you got a suggestion, hell, throw it out there and maybe we can implement it. [*] More rules may come up as time goes on and as problems arise. [/list] [hr] That's mostly all the stuff and fluff I got for this humongous interest/opening post... Anyway, if anyone is interested, has any questions, comments, concerns, or anything of the like, feel free to throw them my way. I'll be more than happy to address them!