"[i]Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, I'm pleased to welcome you to the Bureau of Supernatural Investigation and Nullification. Since our inception by UN charter in 1947, we've had the sole, secret duty of training and commanding operatives to inquire into apparent supernatural activities and eliminate them, if need be. Your presence at this induction and awards ceremony shows your dedication to the ideals of our organization, whether by achieving high enough marks to pass initiation or your desire to go above and beyond in the field of duty. It is my greatest honor to command you... As Agents of SIN.[/i]" -Eric Lawson, Bureau Director. So essentially, this is going to be about agents of a federal agency who are in charge of "Investigating and Nullifying" supernatural and extraterrestrial threats, all while maintaining secrecy. Anyone interested? Last time I made this RPG it was really fun until someone ruined it with a Mary Sue char and species, but... I'm still willing to allow players to be extraterrestrial agents and even play as threats.