[quote=@Satoshi Kyou] [@Ammokkx]oh alright. i think GM should come up with a replacement for that card (i litterly have no knowledge of six samurai and what could replace that card) [/quote] " All banned cards in the structure deck you want will be replaced with any card of the same level/rank or spell/trap type with a similar power level." Do it yourself. It's a draw card right? Replace it with another engine. Edit: What scar said to fix your grammar will suffice. Just open a word document with spell check enabled, or use the built in function of RPGuild, to fix your words. Fiddle around until the red lines dissappear. As for your punctuation/capitalization, that should be easy enough. Capitalize all names, all I's if they refer to a person and the first word of every sentence. EDIT2: [@Ostarion] You've been lurking for a while now. Thinking of joining?