Location: National Guard Shelter 'Bravo' Name: Bravo Guards Remnants Government: The Bravo Guards are ruled by Chief James Harrison who directly rules them. A leader is selected among the high ranking guards if a Chief dies. Population: 55 (25 Soldiers and 30 Civilians, the civilians being women and Children. Agriculture: Trading, Scavenging Army: 25 Guardsmen (Including Chief Harrison) Firepower: The guardsmen have a small stockpile of assault rifles and some ammo. For armor, the guardsmen have pre-war National Guard armor that have been stripped of their pre-war nation's insignia. Technology: The guardsmen have a flimsy generator in the bunker of the shelter that needs to be repaired frequently. All the computers in the outpost are not working or broken. Transportation: The Guardsmen own 2 Humvees ( with no weapons attached) Other supplies: The Guards owned a stockpile of weapons, ammo and light armor in the guard armory, though many of the Guards weapons are damaged or not in good condition as the guard outposts was handed surplus weaponry when certain weapons were phased out. Lifestyle: The guards are no longer part of the National Guard so the armed soldiers mostly patrol the perimeter of the (small) guard outpost. The women and children live in the National Guard outpost building in the third floor (the building only has three floors, basement (where the armory and guard barracks is), first floor (canteen and common room) and the second floor (the residential floor with a few rooms to fit the 25 women and children).) History of you colony: The guards were pre-war National Guards who lived and worked at the shelter. The guards were allowed to bring their families. When the bombs fell in a city not so far away from the outpost, the guards hid themselves in the basement and emerged out a few weeks later. The outpost was damaged but not severely. The guards tried to contact other outposts around the city but soon discovered that their outpost which was furthest from the city was the only remaining outpost. The guards soon knew they were on their own, so they set up a new independent community in their outpost. The surviving chief, Chief Edwards was killed while scavenging. The guards knew they needed a leader, so they selected the highest ranking officer, Cheif James Harrison.