[b]Pretoria, South Africa[/b] "Are you certain they are not Germans?" The minister of defense scratched his head in confusion while adressing Prime Minster Hoedemaker. "At first they would appear to be. The ships at Cape Town appear to be of German build, a bit outdated but certainly German none the less. But their colors and markings are distinctively Imperial." The Minister handed a few pictures that were taken of the ships off the coast; "It is as if they had come directly from the Great War. They fly the Kaiser's colors, yet bear no markings of the current government of Germany." Hoedemaker responded in turn, "So if they are not Germans, what are they?" "That is what we are trying to figure out, sir. We have sent several warships of our own to try and scare them into backing down on their blockade, as well as make contact with them and figure out what their motives are." [b]Cape Town, South Africa[/b] The once vibrant beach was now desolate, no soul in sight save for a few military scouts survaying the situation. It was not long that these ships had appeared, and careful action was taken as to how to approach them. The final solution was, however, to bring around a team of 4 battleships, about an 8th of the total South African Navy, to approach from the sides, and then surround the ships, and hopefully encourage them to back down and cease hostile action. The ships were less than magnificent to behold, looking rather bleak and mediocre compared to the Bismark. But, the numbers compared to the lone battle ship and its schellboots themselves should be something to drive their wedge in. Within time they would take notice, and perhaps end without any fighting. That was the hope, but the South African's were prepared for anything. They had fought the british for their right to independence, and they would fight this strange ship if needed.