Alright, so I have made the character sheets for those who are interested, and I'll just leave them here! [list] [*][b]Name[/b]: What do we call you? [*][b]Sex[/b]: Male, female? Something else entirely? [*][b]Age[/b]: How old are you? [*][b]Appearance[/b]: What do you look like? [*][b]Ethnic[/b]: Are you Japanese? American? German? African? Hispanic? Etc. [*][b]Personality[/b]: What are you like, or what do you pretend to be? [*][b]Background/History[/b]: Tell us a little bit about yourselves. [*][b]Goal/Desires[/b]: What is it that you truly desire and seek...? [*][b]Powers[/b]: What are the gifts and strengths that have been granted to you upon setting foot into Aurora? [*][b]Equipment/Inventory[/b]: What were you able to bring along with you to Aurora? [/list] [hr] Also, here's an example character sheet for everyone to get an idea of when creating their characters, and kind of what I'll be looking for. [list] [*][b]Name[/b]: Sonya Roverk [*][b]Sex[/b]: Female [*][b]Age[/b]: 20 [*][b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=Fiesty...][img][/img][/hider] [*][b]Ethnic[/b]: American [*][b]Personality[/b]: Brash and rowdy, Sonya is perhaps without a doubt quite a little troublemaker, despite being a bit of an unusual person. An outside of the box person is who they are in the simplest of terms. To have fun and to enjoy life, live with a smile and to pursue one’s happiness… that is the set ideal that has been grafted and forged into her mind, as is the idea that everyone is their own person and should be allowed to do what they want. [*][b]Background/History[/b]: Sonya’s life is one that is rather simple and somewhat sad… There was nothing overly outstanding or amazing that was worth noting, even to her. She wasn’t particularly good at anything nor was she particularly skilled. Even her tastes in things were odd compared to her peers, but perhaps that was made her different since all humans are not the same. Living with her single mom, and endearing the hardships of bullying through school, not a lot of happiness saw its way to Sonya. After a terrible event that took the life of her mother, and finishing high school to the best of her abilities, Sonya decided to do whatever she could to just make herself happy… whether it be playing games, reading, writing, or even drawing silly things. She hated her bullies, and even her mom for leaving her alone, but she did her best not to blame them for in her mind everyone sought only their own happiness in life. In the end of things, perhaps she just wanted to drown herself in the delusions and avoid reality and not deal with things. What happened before she came to Aurora, is a mystery to all but herself. [*][b]Goal/Desires[/b]: She honestly doesn’t really know… other than to enjoy this new world and to have fun. [*][b]Powers[/b]: Sonya, upon being brought into the world of Aurora, is a unique alchemist of sorts. [list] [*][b]Complete Magical Energy Control[/b]: While she is capable of performing various alchemical feats such as creating potions, stones, and other various things with enough concentration… her true power lies in the fact that she has complete control over her own magical energy and can shape, morph, bend, and change it to however she fits it; matching her as someone who is rather... unorthodox. She can even solidify her energy somewhat and give it form into energized weapons or tools, or to produce simple basic items if she needs them. While this does mean her power can of course go to great scales and lengths if she tries, it will take much practice for her to actually to do so. At the moment, she can only make basic things such as vials or small tools, along with an energized sword. [*][b]Slightly Enhanced Physical Prowess[/b]: Sonya's physical capabilities are better than how they were compared to when she was back on Earth. While of course she wouldn't be able to break any boulders any time soon, she would be able to hold her own against the fit foes in this world. [/list] [*][b]Equipment/Inventory[/b]: The clothes on her, her pendent, a small diary of sorts that all fills the role of a sketchbook, and a photo of her and her mom. [/list] [hr] As you can see, the powers can be however you want them to be, and strong even, but starting off they will be somewhat weak since your character is but a newborn chick in a world where they have never been before- It's like being told to drive a car for the first time, you don't really know what you're doing until you get the hang of it. So yes, your power can be pretty strong or amazing, and even crazy even as long as I deem it reasonable in the world's setting, but again, they wont be at their full potential yet. As our characters progresses and get stronger, they will be able to learn more skills and other abilities, and will be able to branch out into other aspects while learning different things, so don't worry if you want to add more to their roster... chances are they probably will get it later on. [i][b]For now, I'd say focus on ONE central power/theme and ONE supportive/passive/minor ability just so that things wont get too complicated and to make things smoother.[/b][/i]