"Dragon Priest!" erupted a loud voice, thick with the accents of the far East, "We should be so lucky. I've never met one, but think of what it could tell us!" Somewhat alarmingly, the head and arms of Baladas Venym emerged straight up from the ground, in front of a small thicket adjacent to the tomb's entrance. Gradually more of the wizard emerged as he managed to pull himself out of what was apparently a partially concealed hole in the rocky ground, barely big enough for a man- or dunmer- to crawl through. "Air vents!" he explained as he stood, shaking dust and cobwebs from his battered robes, "Ground around these tombs is always thick with air vents. For the slaves they had build them, I suppose. Not all of them always got filled in afterwards." The wizard offered the assembled adventurers a smile full of yellowed teeth, crimson eyes glittering in the half-light. "Thought I'd take a peek while I waited for the rest of you- do a little scouting. Not much to report, I'm afraid- unless you like spiders the size of my hand. This particular vent goes to a section that looks caved in. Hope at least some of the tomb is still standing for us. Be a shame to come out here and find a pile of rubble." He patted his robes, as though searching for something. "Oh!" he said, leaning down and thrusting his arm into the vent he had just clambered out of, pulling his notched wooden staff out after him, "Almost forgot this."