Interested, sheet in the works. [center][IMG][/IMG] [b]Name[/b]: Mabel Ruline [b]Sex[/b]: Female [b]Age[/b]: 22 [b]Appearance[/b]: She stands at 5'10 with a slender build and no really distinguishable features. Her hair is straigh,t and black as black can be often decorated with an ornament which compliments what she's wearing. Her eyes are a blue-green color though the green sometime overpowers the blue. [b]Ethnic[/b]: Irish/Japanese [b]Personality:[/b] [i]Mabel fits into a strange category of anti-social. She's clumsy, and usually seems out of it for the most part. She's the type of girl who overthinks and daydreams, or spaces out at the worst of times. Because of this she typically deters people from becoming too friendly as she "wouldn't make that great of a friend."[/i] [b]Background/History[/b]: [i]Mabel was born on a quiet Irish farm to Daniel Ruline and Kanade Ruline. Here she was given a lot of freedom as a child, to compromise for the lack of socialization she'd receive. As she became of age to go to school, Mabel didn't really know how to approach the other kids and they seemed to already know eachother anyways. As she grew older, different issues arose. Through the higher grades she was picked on for her clothing, it was true that the farm life family couldn't afford much but she loved them and they worked hard. Her grades never really stood out, and this pressured the family since they had hoped she would be able to eventually get a scholarship. As she reached adulthood, Mabel picked up the trade of gambling. It fit her standards, lots of money, and you didn't need to be an absolute genius to win. She even struck it big one day, taking home a load of winnings to buy herself a whole new wardrobe. However, the more luck she had the more enemies she made. Luckily before she got in too deep, she was transported to Aurora.[/i] [b]Goal/Desires[/b]: [i]Mabel wishes for knowledge, if she were smarter then she'd have a more fortunate life and have fewer issues making friends. [/i] [b]Powers: [/b] [u]The Dice[/u]: [i]Accompanying Mabel on her journey to Aurora, were her favorite six-sided dice. And along with her, they were also blessed by the Creator which in a sense makes them her 'Power' while coming into this new world. The Dice has six possible outcomes, with six possible variations of effect; [Size], [Weight], and [Count] are determined by multiplying the value of the other die's number to the target. [Value], [Break], and [Restore] are broken into levels of effectiveness. Example: Level 1 [Break] and turn a small stone into gravel. Level 6 [Value] will turn an object into the most valuable material in Aurora.[/i] [u]Gambler's Conceit[/u]: [i]This ability will constantly push Mabel to take chances no matter how risky they are. Additionally, each time Mabel rolls her dice she is given an impressive boost of speed to assist her in using it's abilities. [/i] [u]Grand Charade[/u]: [i]Mabel can bluff very well, so well, that in Aurora her bluffs can fool the world itself. Should circumstances permit, Mabel when in a pinch can muster up a solution for herself even if the odds are nigh impossible. Example: Surrounded by demons? "Don't step any closer! There's a trap set up right there!" Hocus pocus, oh wait, there really was a trap?[/i] [b]Inventory[/b]: [i]Dice, Cards, Clothes, Steel Flip-Lighter.[/i][/center]