[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Plot&name=daniel.ttf&size=50&style_color=F56403[/img][/center] The continent of Ostaria is one full of life and vibrant scenery; mountains and rivers cross the large expanse of land, and legendary beasts stalk the forests and soar through the skies. Wraiths and banshees lurk in the darkness, waiting for any unfortunate victim to cross their path. Man has learned to more or less coexist with these creatures, respecting their strength and power and staying well away from animals that might shred them to pieces or engulf them in flames if they do not tread carefully enough. However, a new species of fauna has appeared; they do not behave as other beasts do and are known to stalk the human kind. At times, their prey does not even know that they are being hunted until it is too late. These demonic beings have taken a liking to following humans around, no matter their gender or age. More and more have fallen into their vicious claws, and yet, more are appearing all over Ostaria. People are becoming anxious and worried, wondering where the demons are coming from and how they could be stopped. They turn to their Houses in their time of need, pleading for them to do something about the plague of fiends upon the land. The two Houses of Sariwon, a country located near the center of Ostaria, have been feuding for several years. They have been known to clash because of their ideals and petty arguments, often dragging innocent bystanders into their issues. Even though that their disagreements on the streets simply resemble the relations between the Capulets and Montagues, they have done nothing to mend their relationship. However, House Tosen and House Aseryo have noticed that there is no time for quarreling; the demons that have been ravaging the continent are more prominent in their nation, and men, women, and children are being felled by their talons. They decide to form a truce until the demons are extinguished from the land and their nation's people are safe at last. They have been taking in recruits from all nations, eagerly accepting anyone of age that wishes to aid them. You shall be part of House Tosen or House Aseryo; you can be either a recruit or someone who was born into the House itself. Both Houses will work with one another to purge the land of demons and search for the reason why they spawned. This does not mean that the Houses will get along perfectly well-- there will be distrust and hate and other negative emotions amongst the characters. Romance may blossom between members of opposite Houses, and jealousy might poison the hearts of those who are known for their bright smile and cheerful personalities. [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Setting&name=daniel.ttf&size=50&style_color=F56403[/img] + MAP COMING SOON +[/center] Ostaria is a continent with five nations, each of them having different biomes and species of plants and animals. [b][u]Ludra[/u][/b] with its capital [i]Edrya[/i], is located all of the way to the north of Ostaria. It is known for its frigid temperatures and broad expanses of tundra. There are approximately four provinces within Ludra, and thus four Houses. The Great House, House Luoma, is located in Ludra's capital. [b][u]Sariwon[/u][/b], with its capital [i]Furumaki[/i], is a feudal nation near the heart of the continent. There are three provinces within the borders of Sariwon. The Great House of Sariwon, located in Furumaki, goes by the name of House Iwanai. Beautiful plains and prairies cover most of the country. Located to the south of Sariwon lie marshlands. [b][u]Oprad[/u][/b] is a western country covered in unusually warm forests and mountains due to the winds that travel to it. Its capital is [i]Ioclad[/i]. There are only two provinces within Oprad, and the Great House of the nation is named House Menard. [b][u]Andaria[/u][/b] is located to the east of Ostaria. It is covered in mountains varying in size and shape. Andaria's climate range is broad as it is a large nation. Its capital is [i]Traiya[/i]. Due to having most of its land covered in mountains, the nation only has two Houses for its two provinces. The Great House of Andaria is called House Valery, whose stronghold lies in Traiya. [b][u]Ashines[/u][/b], with its capital [i]Zuswil[/i], is the southern-most country of Ostaria and is covered in hot and arid deserts. Mountains in the east and south keep most water from reaching this country. There are three Houses within this country. The Great House, named House Carnesale, is located within Zuswil. Islands, vacant of people, are located to the south-west and south-east of Ostaria. It is not known exactly what kind of creatures lurk there. [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=About%20Houses%20&name=daniel.ttf&size=50&style_color=F56403[/img][/center] Instead of having royal figures such as princes and queens, each country is run by a House. A House is much like a noble court, but instead it is run by a King or Lord, who are almost always males. A King runs the most prominent House in a nation, or the Great House, and rules over the less prominent Houses of each providence. The King or Lord and families that reside within the House carry on the House's name. For instance, the King of House Tosen will have the surname Tosen. Houses often take in and recruit men and women that exhibit traits that may prove useful to them. This is especially true with mages, which are usually the type of people mostly sought after by Kings and Lords. [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=About%20Magic%20&name=daniel.ttf&size=50&style_color=F56403[/img][/center] A natural phenomenon throughout Ostaria, magic has been present since the land's creation. Dragons taught magic to the humans they trusted the most, and in turn, the practice was passed down by mages from generation to generation. One can tell that no ordinary person can learn magic; they must have a mage's blood in order to cast spells. Without a mage for a father or mother, a person cannot even produce a few sparks of electricity or tiny embers. Unfortunately, most mages are oppressed and feared by those who have no magical powers within them. Entire villages may hunt down mages and hang them from trees or imprison them for life. This is due to the fact that they believe demons are more attracted to mages due to their mystical, yet deadly, powers. A possessed mage is much deadlier than a possessed swordsman or farmer, and so, most Ostarians wish to be safe than sorry. However, mages can serve some purpose; Houses around Ostaria will select a few mages to make up their ranks, as having a mage on their side will make them considerably stronger. There are six types of magic in Ostaria. In order to cast a spell, a mage must use a tome or staff to channel their energy. The stronger the spell, the more energy it takes. Because tomes are in constant contact with energy, they are bound to fall apart at the hem. [b]Fire Magic[/b] is what it sounds like; one may be able to roast a man alive by summoning flames that engulf the enemy. [b]Thunder Magic[/b] allows the caster to produce torrents of electricity or call down lightning upon the enemy. [b]Wind Magic[/b] permits a mage to manipulate wind currents; it can be used to shred an opponent to pieces or blow them off a cliff. [b]Light Magic[/b] is purifying magic that takes the form of shining light. The heat from the light can burn an enemy or blind them. It is usually used by monks, clerics, or other "holy" people. [b]Dark Magic[/b] takes the form of curses and several types of afflictions, such as tormenting or slowing their enemy. Mages that use this type of magic are rather feared. [b]Healing Magic[/b] is probably one of the most used magics in Ostaria. Mages who use Healing Magic do not use tomes to cast their spells, but instead use staves. Clerics or Valkyries are usually sought for, as having a healer on the field is extremely beneficial. Healing Magic goes hand in hand with Light Magic, and so most adept healers know both. [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Class%20List%20&name=daniel.ttf&size=50&style_color=F56403[/img][/center] [center]Lord -> Great Lord Cavalier -> Paladin or Great Knight Archer -> Sniper or Bow Knight Thief -> Rogue or Assassin Myrmidon -> Swordmaster Soldier -> Halberdier Fighter -> Warrior or Hero Mercenary -> Hero or Bow Knight Pegasus Knight -> Falcon Knight Dracoknight -> Dragonmaster Griffon Knight -> Griffon Lord Fire Mage -> Fire Sage Thunder Mage -> Thunder Sage Wind Mage -> Wind Sage Cleric (Female) / Priest (Male) -> Bishop Monk -> Bishop Troubadour -> Valkyrie Shaman -> Druid Dancer (Female) or Bard (Male)[/center] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Rules&name=daniel.ttf&size=50&style_color=F56403[/img][/center] - All RPG rules apply. - My word is law. - I will run this RP single-handedly, and so I will not appoint a co-GM. - No Mary-Sues or Gary-Stus. - Be literate; do not write in chat speak and please post at least one paragraph per character. - Be realistic. - Please be active. If you have to leave, [i]please tell me[/i]. [b]DO NOT LEAVE WITHOUT LEAVING A NOTICE.[/b] - Put your character's catchphrase in your form if you have read the rules. - [i]Mages are limited in this RP. I will only accept three mages.[/i] - Since this is Fire Emblem-inspired, I will not accept realistic pictures for your character's appearance. Semi-realistic is fine. - Have fun! [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Character%20Sheet%20&name=daniel.ttf&size=50&style_color=F56403[/img][/center] Username: Name: Age: Gender: Class: Rank: [Lord or Member?] House: [Which House are they affiliated with?] Weapons: [Keep true to your class.] Appearance: [You may put an image and add description.] Personality: Short Biography: Other: