[CENTER][IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/2m28enk.jpg[/IMG] [H2]Mia Köstner[/H2] [H3][B]Location:[/B] Trainee Camp[/H3][/CENTER] Wall Rose, the wall that managed to stay up despite the breach of Wall Maria five years ago which was a true chaotic event for anyone to witness. The loss of so many people was deeply engraved in the population their minds. An event that nobody wanted to go through again and who knew what was going to happen then. Was it going to be even worse than then or will it just be a repeat. One was always on edge if they walked close to the wall and remembered the past. Pretty memories of it were completely vanished for a long time as the kingdom started to overcome it. If only they were stronger. If only they could do something about it. If only they could stop the Titans from barging into the walls as if they owned everything. Today the sun was shining over the kingdom, warming it up with its heat. Families enjoyed the barbecues that they were having in the market domain, the smell could make anyone water teeth and it was not abnormal that others joined in while bringing some food with them as well so they were going to have enough for everyone that decided to join the meal with the crowd. Birds were flying over the cities inside of the walls and there was almost no cloud to be seen up in the sky. It was going to be a beautiful day however that did not mean the same for everyone, especially the Trainee Squad where the mood was not that good since the weather was so nice and they had to train in order to graduate. Mia was inside of one of the buildings placed in the camp, more exact the place where all the equipment was stored away in. Locked from the trainees as they did not want for any accidents to occur behind their backs. It happened in the past and they learned from it as it was a stupid but deadly mistake as one of the students fired the hook off and the object landed in someone else his head instead of a tree or building. It was not a pretty sight and those who had seen it happen were on the verge of taking their leave. Some did, some decided to stay as they knew this was going to happen one way or another once they were going outside of the walls but then not because of an accident but because of Titans hunting on them.