Name: Rozalia Éathliel Nicknames/Aliases: Roze, Roza. On the street, she went by Bobcat. X-Men Code Name: Wildcat Gender: Female Age: 15 Physical Description: Standing at about 5'5, Rozalia has a slim and lithe build. With a few curves and small bust, she looks somewhat younger than her actual age. Paired with a heart-shaped face, large eyes the colour of cerulean, a button nose and heart shaped lips, she retains an air of sweetness that sometimes clashes with her natural sass and cheekiness. Atop her head sits a wild mess of ebony curls, often in her eyes or trailing down her back when she can't be bothered to pin it up. However, her most obvious features are her mutations; keeping in line with her powers, Roze was born with feline ears and a tail; much akin to a balinese breed, the fur on her ears and tail are the same dark shade as her hair, with her tail being just slightly longer than her legs. In addition to this, her nails and teeth - although not quite claws and fangs - are harder, sharper and slightly longer than a regular humans. Often, when she smiles, you can see her canines resting on her bottom lip. She can come across as quite harmless, but when shown the old scars dotted here and there on her tanned body, you know she can hold her own in a fight. Mutations: Enhanced speed, agility, balance, strength, and climbing abilities. As she has developed cat-like abilities but to a superhuman level, her five senses have also been enhanced, leaving her able to hear, smell and see things from up to 100 metres away. Her night vision - although not as perfect as infra-red; still surpasses that of any human (Or regular cat, for that matter). Personality: Despite a fairly harsh upbringing and childhood, Roze has retained her childish sense of mischief and penchant for finding humour in most things. Always one to look on the optimistic side of things, she hates to see people upset and will often try to cheer them up, being friendly to many people despite their background or actions. However, she certainly has a darker side within her. She can be certainly ruthless and aggressive when threatened enough, and will not hesitate to hurt those who could potentially harm her or those she cares about. However, before it comes to this, she prefers to use some good ol' sass to deal with them first. (If her temper doesn't snap first, that is.) Overall, she uses a lot of humour (and more predatory behaviour, sometimes), to hide her own insecurities and sadness. It's rare for her to show that around anyone, friend of enemy. Background: Roze was born with her mutation. When she was shown to her parents by a shell-shocked midwife, they were taken aback to see two furless cat ears on top of her head, rather than some nice pink human ones on the side. The tail was an even bigger shock. Her Father grew to love her, but her mother wasn't happy - after six years of hiding her daughter's 'disability', and a series of tragic events, Roze ran away from home, and lived out the rest of her life on the streets. Whether due to her cat-like mutation or not, she swiftly learnt how to look after herself, and how to get food with ease. After a few run-ins with the law, she was eventually found by another mutant, and was brought to the academy at 15 years old. Recap of your mutations awakening: [i]"That [b]thing[/b] is not my daughter! She's a freak! She can't even keep those damn things hidden at school, so now all of the children know she's different. Let them bully her. Perhaps she'll learn to hide it that way."[/i]