[CENTER][IMG]http://data.whicdn.com/images/23210008/large.png[/IMG] [H2]Yume Soma[/H2] [H3][B]Location:[/B] 12th Ward[/H3][/CENTER] Unlucky for Ditto, Yume had dealt with headstrong people before so she knew that this was not going to end with a fight. As she noticed the flash forward of the other her arm, she took a few steps back, leaning her body to the side so her kagune could reach the other her whip easily without having to spend too much energy to it. Slamming her rinkaku tentacle against the whip harshly, trying to pierce through it with force while avoiding the barbs that formed on the end of the whip like form as she wanted to make her point that she was no longer going to hold back on the girl. Yume her other tentacle would then make its way in a rapid pace towards the other her shoulder with a tremendous focus. However she stayed herself through all of this and was still a way from unleashing herself fully. But she should not be underestimated even though she is only using two of her tentacles for the fight… for now. [@FallenTrinity]