[b]Name:[/b] Giovanna Zetta (aka "G") [b]Age:[/b] 62 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Rebirth:[/b] Yes (See History) [b]Rank/Assignment:[/b] Petty Officer [b]Call Sign:[/b] Psycho [b]Personality:[/b] Once upon a time a few of the phrases used to describe G were "emotionally disassociated" and "anti-social" among many clinical terms branded in her file. But any files with that information are long gone by now, as are any doctors who would had made such diagnoses. Social normalities and moral obligations escape her understanding, generally she is motivated only by self interest. At times she can be impulsive and manipulative, however she always plays the long game. She never throws out her long term desires just to serve an impulse. Usually she keeps a calm head, though she is prone to outbursts at times. Because of her self-centeredness her outbursts are usually related to seemingly unimportant things which only affect her. Her respect for those around her is directly related to her perception of their intelligence or her personal interpretation of whether or not they are worthy of her respect. Because she is unable to emotionally connect with others, she is unable to empathize, however she does have a somewhat oddly strong sense of loyalty to those whom she respects. And her commitment to the mission binds her to aiding and protecting her comrades. G has learned to portray certain emotional characteristics when she finds it to be necessary, and usually falls into a routine of subtly mimicking or mirroring those around her so that she fits into place better. Her interactions with others are usually shallow in nature, and are driven mostly by whatever she deems a necessity. When, if ever, she is engaged into a serious conversation she generally takes a quite cynical view of life. She quite despises small talk. One of her favorite means of entertainment is watching other people squirm by making them uncomfortable in any way possible. [b]History:[/b] Most of G's past remains entirely lost to the tides of time. She knows nothing of where she came from or how she was raised prior to her 16th birthday. Everything before then is a black-hole in her memory. At 16 G was enrolled in a very small and classified experimental project in the earlier years of the development of Rebirth. The project called "Salvation" was, in short, a means to give totally delinquent members of society a chance at serving their government. The candidates were only accepted at young ages, and only those with complete loss of social ability were applied. Kids, who would have otherwise spent their lives rotting away in insane asylums, were re-engineered as soldiers. The application was carried out by first "removing" all of the subject's prior memories and conditioning them for service by enrollment into military training. The final step was to join Rebirth. The hope was that through the process of regeneration, the physical damage within their brains would be repaired and thus their personality disorders would be dissolved and they would be able to function in a normal state of being. When G was introduced she was incredibly receptive to the process and experienced impressive results, even after only partly through the process (after just the memory wipe and the military training), she was believed to have made significant improvements. Subsequently she became the only candidate to make it so far as to actually enter into the Rebirth Project. As her training continued after joining Rebirth, she was thought to be the project's one and only successful candidate. However, as more time passed, G began to manifest old behavioral traits and even experienced vague flashbacks at times. Eventually she was deemed a failure, and the entire project was shut down. It was always uncertain as to whether or not the process had worked on her at first, and then failed; or if she had simply been mimicking normal behavior so as to manipulate her superiors. Though due to the fact that she was the only candidate to make it so far into the project, it was generally accepted that the process had never truly worked at all. However, despite the total failure of the Salvation Project, G was salvaged because of her potential; her obvious improvements through the training, and her levels of intelligence and skill. When the program shut down, all of the information surrounding it was buried. Every file relating to G or her past was burned. All she had to hold onto was her name...and that wasn't real anyway. She was considered by most of her superiors to be a handful, or more work than she was worth, but she was taken under wing and trained carefully by...a man whose name even now she would claim to have long since forgotten. She was assigned a "handler" to travel with her to keep her damages to a minimum. Yet however destructive she has always seemed, her receptiveness to training and her effectiveness in accomplishing her assigned tasks is undeniable. Her commitment to the RAS is ensured by her complete and total disdain for the social and governmental constructs of the UKD. That going along with her general acceptance of her otherwise complete and total lack of purpose and reason for existence, and her personal belief in the futility of life. Basically serving the RAS serves her best interest and entertains her. [b]Skills:[/b] G is considered by most to be somewhat of a mercenary type, because of her lack of a personal connection to her combat. She is quick on her feet and prefers improvisation over plan of attack. Usually she prefers hand-to-hand style combat, strategically taking advantage of her environment and utilizing situational objects as weapons. She is also skilled with pistols and daggers, and ironically, despite her lack of active concern for the wellbeing of anyone, she is fairly skilled as a field medic. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Heavy weapons and advanced machinery or technology are big weaknesses for her. Her impatience for things she doesn't already know, limits her ability to "figure it out". She is much better off being pointed towards a fight. She can be restlessness if she goes too long without set tasks or objectives to work towards, and will begin to turn her boredom towards those around her. Basically, the busier she is the better she behaves. G is a pile of weaknesses which are very much intertwined in her strengths. A situation which does not have a clear objective relating to her assignment can cause her to make hastey decisions. Because of her inability to see the grey area, instances which require an ethical decision or strong moral conviction, are usually not handled well. Although because of her strongly analytical view of things, she is unbiased in her opinions and is able to take each person as they really are, rather than as they are expected to be. Of course, that means at times she may see a bit more in others than they wish to be seen. [b]Relationship:[/b] Other than various shallow sexual encounters, G has never been romantically involved with anyone. Although because it is a bit of a hobby of her's to toy with other's emotions, at times she will feign romantic interest in others for her own entertainment. [b]Appearance:[/b] Sharp and strong feminine features, with "soulless" eyes which eagerly watch everything around her. G is tall and medium feminine build, though she generally carries herself (or sometimes presents herself) in a more masculine way. Her hair is dark, but she usually keeps it shaved completely. [IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/2pqrev4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/vcw80m.jpg[/IMG]