[b]Name:[/b] If your name is Vernithrax the Undomitable you may want to come up with a human name. [b]Appearance[/b]: What you look like! Pictures and/or descriptions acceptable. [b]Agent Codename:[/b] Agent [b]Gender:[/b] Might not be applicable for aliens/ghosts. [b]Species:[/b] Be it human, alien, or some manner of supernatural being, that goes here. I'm not accepting species that are specific to a single other universe. For example, your own version of grey aliens would be acceptable, but a Saiyan or Kryptonian would not be. I would really prefer human chars, at least at the beginning, but I'll accept aliens. [b]Age:[/b] Self explanatory. [b]Years in SIN:[/b] SIN does not use child soldiers, at least not of the human variety. If your years in SIN would put you below 18 when you joined, you're not going to get approved unless a reaaaaaaally good reason is placed in your bio. That being said, aliens or supernatural beings might have faster maturity rates. Additionally, this number cannot be used to say you've been in SIN since before 1947, because that was the date of its inception. [b]Equipment:[/b] Most SIN equipment is built for human use, and as such is not quite as compatible with alien physiology. Standard gear includes a rifle that fires sonic pulses, a nine millimeter pistol, and a pack of syringes containing serum that can cure critical wounds in five minutes if injected directly into the cut. This serum has varying effects on alien anatomy. Specific agents may have other gear issued to them, dependent on mission or skill. [b]Abilities/Powers:[/b] Note, some aliens have these, humans as a whole do not. Not now. Maybe later. Who knows what might happen on a mission... For humans, just put Genetic Adaptability here. You'll see why as time goes on. [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Biography:[/b] BEGIN COMPENDIUM ENTRY_ Species Application: [b]Name:[/b] Species name. [b]Creator:[/b] Bro, give yourself props! You added to the lore of the universe. Take credit for it! Your username goes here. [b]Biology:[/b] Powers, physiology, etc. Be somewhat detailed, but I'll fill in any gaps. Just keep in mind that my Summer Program had a reason for nicknaming me Satan. [b]Appearance:[/b] What you SEE when looking at an average member of the species. [b]Culture:[/b] Optional, but if you plan on referencing a lot of your alien's culture in your backstory I'd suggest making a few notes here. [b]History:[/b] Same dealio as Culture. All (approved) species applications will be added to a post in the Character section of the RPG topic as they're approved, and I'll make a few of my own. But yeah. Have fun with the applications! If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to ask.