Yep, things are cleared up now. I just gotta make sure I'm on track since I've been a lot of focus on major requirements. It's like they never want you to leave, always give you something to do to graduate. Mmm apple cider sounds so nice. Sugar cinnamon donuts? Damn that sounds good too. I know I can make butternut squash soup now but in the tastes so much better. And you get the leaves, depending on your location eheh. You made me think of a giant rat, for some reason lol But yeah if you wanna make an original monster, you go for it girl. Don't pain meds also leave you a little constipated? That might be antibiotics though. Either way, I hope the meds don't give you too bad of side effects. Thankfully my gums are healthy and my blood pressure is back down, managing your body is tricky work and I'm sure it's even tricker for you. :/ But yeah, be careful about the stomach stuff, my brother got hooked on pain meds and his stomach is forever ruined and it's BAD. Stay in doors and just look forward to the next appointment~ Nothing is in the way. I'm sitting right in front of it and it's still really slow. My dad's office isn't too far but he gets even less than 1, it's like .0134 or something of a speed...and he works from home so he can't deal with that. We used to have comcast ages ago and they were fine but now? God, it's all our area offers too. I'm hoping AT&T fixes the issue because all xfinity said we could do was go to Best Buy to get a wireless the frick should we pay to fix your problem that we're still paying for? It makes NO sense to me. O_o