[indent][h2][i][u][b]Hall of Dreamers[/b][/u][/i][/h2][/indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][h3][i][b]Champion's Return[/b][/i][/h3][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] Reappearing as his fight was ended, Raelis opened his eyes and took in a deep breath of the strange air. He glanced around the room, seeing very few of those who had gathered before. It seemed he was the first to return. Glancing at the Skeletal figure momentarily, the Asaran briefly considered talking to it to ask it further questions about this place and why they had been brought here. If there were beings such as him who could summon others at will, then why bother with a tournament at all? Would it not be simpler to figure the objectively strongest being and use them to seal this...[i]being[/i] he had spoken of. Turning away, the Asaran moved to exit the Hall in interest of the chambers he'd been promised. At the thought a floating orb of swirling energies appeared before him. Having seen one earlier he did not falter, continuing on his path. The orb guided him to his room then left him to his own devices. Closing the door behind him, Raelis then deactivated Maelstrom, letting the armor fall from his wings. Stretching them out after a battle, even one as short as his had been, was a welcome luxury. This done, Raelis glanced about the room, noting a screen on one wall, a couch, a bed, and what may have been some form of food dispenser. Approaching the device he put his gauntlet covered hand upon his hip, wings folding against his back as he did so. Eventually shaking his head he moved over to the couch and sat himself 'pon it before removing first his hood, then helm to reveal a largely humanoid visage. He possessed sharp, angular features and large piercing eyes that shone with the colors of fire. Rather than hair Raelis, like all Asarae, possessed plumage. His in particular was a patterning of golds and reds that ran backwards from his forehead. Stretching his neck briefly, Raelis then took to removing his gauntlets in practiced motions till it revealed is wrists and hands. There he stopped, leaving the rest of his armor on. It really was not too great a burden for him to bear and he figured he would not be out of battle for long. As he sat there, gazing at the screen, Raelis frowned a moment then called upon the orb-shaped servant. Appearing before him, and making him wonder if they were always watching, the orb awaited his request. He made it promptly, his tone merely questioning, if the others had heard him might not appear so...domineering now, [color=#fff79a][b]"How does one operate this screen?"[/b][/color] The orb bobbed a moment before it activated it on its own, [i]"You may simply think it and it shall be done."[/i] Raelis wondered how he would regain the necessary energy for his next fight, particularly without sustenance. The being responded as if he had voiced the question, [i]"As long as you are within the hall your stamina will regenerate via the ambient energies present. Any wounds you receive will also heal at an accelerated rate for the same reason. Unless one possesses an enhanced healing factor of course,"[/i] the servant mused. Raelis opened his mouth a moment before shutting it, the being could read his mind, how intriguing. It reminded him of technology that was being developed on Asara even as they spoke. Telthani had mentioned it to him before and the two had spoken of it extensively for a time. [i]"Should you require anything else, venerable guest, merely think it and it shall be. Of course, within reasonable limits,"[/i] the orb bobbed, as if bowing to Raelis, then vanished leaving him alone once more. Or at least, that's what he chose to believe. Nonetheless he responded as if it were there, showing his appreciation in a simple phrase, [color=#fff79a][b]"Thank you."[/b][/color] Turning his attention to the screen now, he willed it to split in three so as to follow each fight. With his excellent eye sight and superior processing abilities--due entirely to his avian ancestry--Raelis took to watching the battles. He wondered which of them would be his next adversary.