Video games are harmless right? WRONG. A group of teens got together one night for a innocent night full of games. One of the teens brought a new game he/she had picked up today. It was a PC game that seemed to have appeared out of no where. There were no trailers online for it, no ads on TV saying it was coming out but suddenly it had appeared on the shelf. Mind it, the game was bought from the weird old game store down the street, the one with the creepy old man. The teens pushed this creepy thought aside though as they started the their computer and put the game inside. A loading street came up with the title, in big bold letters it read “Underland, Walk Among Us.” Weird title but at least the graphics looked cool. The teens got themselves situated around the computer screen and pressed start. The screen flashed a few times before fading in to show a creepy man looking at them(Well I guess it was a man) The creature looking at them looked more like a werewolf type creature except his head appeared to be floating above his neck. He had blood red eyes but instead of pupils he had black spirals that seemed to look right through them. He had white X’s that crossed over both eyes and a red and black Mohawk that ran between a pair of black wolf like ears. The creepiest thing about his face was that he was split down the middle, his right side was black and his left side was white. It looked like two people had been morphed into one, which made the teens shiver. As the creature smiled at them the screen zoomed out to show an even creepier body. His arms were broken into pieces, his shoulders connected to his body but his mid arms floated apart from it and his hands floated apart from the middle. His legs were disconnected at the knees so it looked like he was simply floating. He had a long rat like tail that was also broken up in to four different sections. Again he was split; half black half white with X’s running down both sides of him with the opposite color. This time as the teens stared at this weird man like creature he raised his arm and held out his hand to them. “Do you wish to play a game?” A static filled voice echoed out through the system. All the teens hesitated at first but then laughed it off, it was just a stupid horror game. “Yea of course.” One teen said but was surprised when the game seemed to respond to just his voice and answered with a nod and another smile. They didn’t have any microphone hooked up so they thought it was just a weird fluke but they were all shocked when the creature moved forward towards the screen. They only had time to blink before the screen flashed, blinding them as they felt a strange pull and the world started to spin. When they finally settled down enough to open their eyes they were shocked to find they were standing in front of the creepy creature. The only thing was now the 2D creep was down standing in front of them in a solid 3D form. “So, you wish to play my game. Let me explain the rules, shall I?” ~~~~~~ Character info: Name: Gender: Age: appearance: (Either picture or description) Player or creature: back story: Other: **All characters can be found in the character section** ~~~~~~ Just a brief write up of what creatures are. So creatures are monsters that were created in the game by Jigsaw to stop the players from reaching the end. Creatures can be anything, from a simply demon wolf to a huge 6 headed beast. They can even look like a normal human but have some kind of power, or mutation. Some creatures have changed in their mind set and try to help the players, to go against Jigsaw's wishes. Other creatures just could care less, it's all how you wish it to be.