Name: Kornesin Arethel Age: 1873 years, looks like 25 Gender: Male Species: High Elf Appearance: Kornesin has steel blue eyes and long, straight, black hair which outlines his diamond face. He has a slender build and is taller than most humans, standing 7'4”. His skin is pale. When not disguised his ears are pointed as all elves ears naturally are. Most of the times he wears custom tailored suits of light colors, mainly consisting of gold and white with dress shoes always to match. Underneath his outfit he wears an amulet on a gold band with diamonds accenting the carbonado gem, or the black diamond, in the center. [url=]True Form[/url] [url=]Disguised form[/url] Personality: Kornesin is very stuck up, and believes he is better than those around him. He's very arrogant but knows how to act properly. Powers/Skills: Having been alive for so long Kornesin is skilled in many things from methods of combat to academic skills. He is most efficient in hand to hand combat, swordsmanship, and bow and arrows. He can also use magic but is very limited as to what he can do. With magic he can change his appearance, along with other minor illusions, speak telepathically to people, and use it as though it were telekinesis allowing him to lift small objects. Other: A mere shadow of his former self Kornesin has been forced to make a living for himself in this mundane world. Kornesin was over 300 years old when the dark ages began. He lead his people to try and fight off the humans who couldn't accept that magical beings could be good. For nearly a thousand years Kornesin fought against the humans, sacrificing many elves lives along the way. Until one day he was caught off guard by an ambush. He was returning from a battle, his men and he were weakened from the fight, when the humans attacked killing the elves who were with Kornesin at the time and taking Kornesin prisoner. They knew these creatures were magical, and had found a way to seal them. After his magic was taken from him he managed to talk one of the guards into helping him escape, offering him the secret to immortality. As soon as Kornesin had escaped he killed the man and left to find an amulet which stored a pool of mana, or magic, he had put away for a rainy day. Once he found the amulet he knew he had to go into hiding. There was no way he could fight back, not now. But he knew one day he would get his revenge. Though he needed to hide he would not hide his natural beauty, nor his stature. So he dulled his pointy ears down to seem like they were human ears. He traveled the world as a giant among men, using his magic sparingly. Now he spends his time as the CEO of a company called Green Co. It's sole purpose is to do what it can to save the planet by selling all natural products in order to fund research for ways to clean the pollution in the world. While not working on his company he tries to find others like him, magic folk, maybe even someone who could remove the seal on his magic so that he may show the world his wrath. Also now he goes by Aiden Kaiser when disguised.