Luca looked around the roof slightly confused at the apparent tea party Samael had set up. Sam reassured him that the time he took to gather his thoughts was reasonable although his tone had a hint of sarcasm. [color=orange]"Th-Thanks for understanding..."[/color] He said bashfully while scratching the back of his head. Suddenly, a white blur approached him with impressive speed. [color=orange]"Ah...wait wait wait...!"[/color] Luca panicked and braced himself for impact only to feel a warmth around him. [color=orange]"Y-Yuki?"[/color] Realizing he wasn't in danger and that it was Yuki he blushed as she embraced him. He opened his mouth to protest but decided against it. She must have been concerned about him all day, especially considering the state he left the shrine in last night. [color=orange]"Sorry if I made you worry. I'm okay now...mostly."[/color] He said with a slight chuckle. [color=royalblue]"Your attendance must mean you had made up your mind...?"[/color] Luca turned his attention to the yakuza heir with a nervous look. [color=orange]"I'd be lying if I said completely...I'm...willing to try."[/color] He smiled and gave Ren a nod of thanks. After Shi suggested they eat while they waited for Asuka, Hideaki and Fon, Yuuki released Luca from her hold with an enthusiastic voice. [color=6ecff6]"This is for you."[/color] She handed him a bento and a drink. Luca blinked and looked at her thinking that he couldn't see this girl as a trained mafioso. He still couldn't figure out what he did to deserve her attention. [color=lime]"Oi tails where's the baby?"[/color] Naoki chimed. Luca slightly feared for the boys life as he could easily imagine Yuki's sister not liking the casual nicknaming. [color=red]"Sorry to keep you all waiting."[/color] Fon spoke as he arrived sitting on Hideaki's shoulder. Startled, Luca jumped out of the pair's way to allowing them onto the roof. [color=red]"Thank you."[/color] With a quick show of gratitude for Hideaki lending him his shoulder Fon transferred from the archer to Luca's shoulder. [color=red]"I'm glad to see that you're looking well. Excuse our tardiness. A slight incident occurred that Miss Asuka will be dealing with for a time but she'll be informed about this meetings events."[/color] Fon neglected to explain what this incident was to everyone but suffice to say Hideaki, being as wary and confrontational as he is with Asuka, took the opportunity of being in her home to scout out the environment as if to eliminate her home field advantage if a skirmish were to breakout in the Argento household. It took the president some time just to get the snoop to leave. Currently, Asuka is meticulously making sure that the archer had not sabotaged or stolen anything.