Hm, it didn't seem like Amuné was really wanting to answer that question, which was odd. Ethan couldn't imagine why she wouldn't, it wasn't as if it was especially personal or anything. It was fine though, if she kept quiet on the matter then that was her choice. "Well... Yeah, I guess he was bad since he attacked us..." he mumbled, still not getting quite why the girl had called that out beforehand. Maybe it was just how the man looked, for all he knew it triggered something in the little girl and it was just natural to be afraid. It didn't much matter now, they were a ways away from the enemy and ought not to run into him again, so long as they were careful anyways. Between Wyth carrying Amuné and Cecil carrying Ethan, the group had made quite good distance in a short amount of time. With a hill just up ahead in the road one could see a bit of smoke coming up over the horizon, a sure sign of a fire burning away. Given what the map had said Ethan figured it had to be the town beyond the river, which hopefully meant a safe place to rest and get the others what they needed. There was a slight issue in their getting to the town however, as it seemed like Cecil might not be able to make it. Noticeably slowing down, Ethan opted to be let down and walk under his own power, hardly wishing to be a burden to his friend any longer. His own body was a bit sore from being battered by water, but other than that he was perfectly alright and capable of moving himself. But what about Cecil? "Energy...? Uh... Well we have that..." Did they? What did a Machina use for energy anyways? Ethan vaguely recalled oil, but he was pretty sure that was used to loosen up joints, not for energy. If this town had something for Cecil to use then all the more reason to hurry up and get there; with the robo-boy looking a bit drained they might not be able to get there in time, if he was to walk. "Here, I got you, hang on," Ethan said with a smile, trying to ease Cecil up onto his back. For the most part the other boy wasn't terribly heavy, but there was definitely a notable heft to his gauntlets, making the Magi lean forward awkwardly as he tried to keep balanced. Once he had Cecil comfortably held he started up the hill, relieved it wasn't all that steep nor lengthy. As they crested the top of the hill, Ethan was ecstatic to find they had indeed found the next town. Just down the other side and a few hundred meters away sat the village of Galloway, assuming that was the right one. It was a nice enough looking place, certainly bigger than most other towns this far out west. Even from here he could see all the buildings were made out of cut stone, standing out a fair bit against all the grasslands and plots of farmland that dotted the landscape. Carts were coming to and from the village even as they approached, with a few roads branching off every which way out of the town. A few strange glances were sent their way upon arriving at the town limits, but no one gave them any trouble, and it seemed like a friendly enough place. Now, hopefully they could find someone who might know something about Cecil's energy problem, and someone to patch up Amuné. "How bad is your shoulder, by the way?" Ethan asked, glancing over with a small smile, "I might have something for it, at least until we find some bandages."