"I don't belong where others do, just leave me be" Name:jack mills Appearance: Vast blue eyes Brown hair Black leather boots White t-shirt Scar under left eye of unknown origin Black hoodie Nickname:Ebongaze Age:12 Past: Jack has lived in the darkness for his entire life,he grew up in a shadowy place where people have never seen or heard of,the darkness cared for him,protected him and trusted him, it was part of him,then one day the darkness began to hurt those who hurt him, jack didn't want others to die, so he fled from the darkness. Personality:jack is a very solitary person who is hard to talk to and he may as well not know the meaning of the words love or friend,because he has no such things in his life, when angry, he often ignores others and leaves them alone, regardless though he is a kind person and truly cares for others.he never shows this because those around him tend to get hurt. Fear:(will be revealed) Power:Sciakinesis:the mental ability to command the darkness and shadows as you please, Other Song:Heart of ice by vindsvept When near vast places of darkness, the shadows reach out towards him(they appear to bend around him)