[color=ed1c24]Ved[/color] He looked under and around the truck, grimacing silently behind his helmet. Turning to Yuki, he put a hand on her shoulder, and spoke quietly. [color=ed1c24]"We'll find her."[/color] He promised, more to himself than to her, it wouldn't be the first time he'd lost a team-mate, and it sure as hell wouldn't be his last, but each time he lost someone he lost a bit of himself as well. The first person he ever lost was a twenty three year old named Chris, Chris Dedrick, the boy was a fresh Merc, and Ved had promised the wife that he would come back safe and sound. The woman had to raise her child alone. The boy took a dozen bullets to save a father and his son, a noble death if there is such a thing, but it nearly killed Ved. He grew attached to people he liked rather quickly, and their presence alone was what kept him going, kept him motivated. He wasn't planning on losing another one today, but he said the same thing every time someone went missing. Regardless, he was determined to find her, and in a worst case senario, she'd at least get a proper burial instead of becoming a meal from psychotic mutated beast. Hearing Amber, he turned on his feet, sprinting silently to the cave, making sure to duck the fish-wire. As he moved, he noticed the tracks, and their odd shape, it didn't make much sense to him until he heard the word Web. [i]Fucking spiders[/i], he thought to himself, he had never really had a problem with them as his mother kept a few as pets, they were all very tame and friendly, one even enjoyed being pet. These ones, were obviously not the type to burrow down and shake their hinds in hope of affection. He slowed down noticeably as he approached the more heavily webbed area, drawing out his rifle and screwing in the silencer. He raised the weapon to shoulder height, training it on anything that moved, then crouched as he neared Amb. [color=ed1c24]"Get out of here and keep the others safe, if I'm not back by sundown, gather whatever you can and get the hell out of here."[/color] He ordered quietly, with a tone in his voice that wasn't to be argued with. It was just past noon, the sun still high overhead, even if it took a few hours to navigate the cave he would be able to make it back prior to sunset, unless of course he was killed. Being the only one with armor capable of stopping bullets, he was likely to be the safest one in face of giant spider fangs. Even if they did capture him, they wouldn't be able to puncture his exo-suit, which would likely make his death a slow and not so comforting process, but he would be able to survive longer than any of the others.