[H1]Plot points[/h1] [H3]My Own Alfort?[/H3] Overview: The time has come for those of age to claim for themselves a life long companion. Information: A group of young, proven villagers will travel with a LEAD HUNTER to the Alfort caves so they can choose one of their own. The Lead Hunter will provide cover, but will not enter the cave with the others. Goal: Every villager that was brave enough to go, gets their own Alfort to raise. Reward: Congratulations, new hunters! [H2]Ideas[/h2] [H3]And their rules[/h3] I will only be adding ones we can start right now. Feel free to PM me suggestions! Creature discovery: requires 2-4 players. 1. A creature discovery plot must have a minimum of two players with a max of 4. Exceptions may be made depending on the creature. 2. All creatures must be approved by myself or a Co-GM. NO exceptions. 3. Follow the creature discovery form. 4. Everyone in the plot must participate in the creation of the creature. Plant discovery(if desired): requires 1-2 players. 1. Plant must benefit in some way.