Name: Miriamne Age: She's lost count. Late 1000s, maybe? She looks to be about 28. (As the author, I know. She's 1857 years old.) Gender: Female Species: Elementalist Appearance: Long white hair, blue eyes, lightly tanned skin, lithe, 5'7". She wears brown leggings, a dark green tunic, brown sandals, and a silver chain from which a tanzanite pendant dangles. Personality: Miriamne is a quietly sad woman; her smiles rarely reach her eyes. She's kind to all, but especially children. When she gets angry, it comes out as quiet disappointment, as if she knew you could do better. Powers/Skills: She has perfect control over air and water, moderate control over earth, and very little control over fire. She could theoretically live to be 3000, but no elementalist has lived that long since the dark ages. She is a wonderful musician, preferring to play piano and ocarina. Other: Miriamne is not a fighter, at all. She hates hurting any living thing, be it human, animal, or supernatural. However, she has had to use her powers in self defense, and it still gives her nightmares sometimes.