Things to report Children and women in crime I think we can all safely assume where I am going to go with this. I just want no illusions about the kind of role play I am running here. I understand that crime is a part of our real life society. In wanting to portray a realistic quality, there will be crime. However, if I or any other GM/Co-GM catch you doing things you shouldn't be, you will be removed from the role play, have your post screen shot, and be reported to the admins. I will not tolerate sex related crimes in my rp. This is especially true with children. Furthermore, if you, as a player find one of the posts made by your fellows to be inappropriate, you are obligated to report them to myself or the GM responsible for your area. We will decide if it is improper and report it to an admin. If one of us is not available and/or you feel very strongly about the post, please screen shot it and speak to one of the moderators.