Name: Conna'Cel Gender: Identifies as Male Age: ??? [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] Player or creature: Creature Backstory: Conna'Cel was suddenly brought into existence by the game designers, but was left alone after his design was complete. Conna'Cel often wonders what it was he was created for, but ultimately his role was never really defined. As a result, he spends his time wandering the game as a passive emotionless being who usually leaves others alone, unless provoked to perform some other action. Other: Beep boop. [hr] Name: Press Dalton Gender: Male Age: 18 [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] Player or creature: Player Backstory: Press has spent most of life either behind a keyboard translating and/or writing code, or with friends having a good time. All in all, a pretty standard life. His parents tend to work most of the day away, which Press got used to and spent his free time doing his own thing. With the appearance of this unknown game, Press was quite keen to get his hands on it and figure out what secrets it held. Little did he know just what had laid in store for him. Other: Press is about 6' 4". Also, beep boop.