True facts. Can we hash out exactly what the attacking siege looks like? HeySeuss mentioned the ladders in the initial post, and I mentioned a ballista, but beyond that it's as of yet unclear. If they're a much larger attacking force, they're likely to press the attack in several spots, meaning that they'd have a ram or two deployed going for the gate, and likely one or two batteries of two-three ballistae/rock throwers of some kind near the back. The reason I'm suggesting all ballistas is because if this is a castle that Ren Arad would like to keep, he's unlikely to seek to damage the walls more than he has to in an attack, and is more likely to focus his attack on scaling the walls and breaking the already weakened front gate. Thus, I'm proposing that the siege that he does have is more anti-personnel than anything else, and needs to be taken out for a sortie to be undertaken or even a fully effective defense of the ramparts. To that end, it looks like Kavu will try to repurpose some damaged defensive artillery that wasn't used in the initial defense, and I'm sure Rassmata can devise some explosive trickery to damage one of the batteries. My plan is to leave it up to some of the other characters to use their own skills to silence the remaining ballista, while Kavu then moves down to join the main defending force on the field. Also, I introduced junior Quartermaster Narvek, a rather dour and short-tempered Orc, who Kavu sent to supervise the work crew helping with the gates. If you're over there, you're welcome to use the NPC. Consistency and such, after all. [@Sypherkhode822], if you want to collab on the lolorcishartillery explosions post, let me know!