[@CrystalApple][@AbigailTenshi][@Mugin] [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/5841954/large.jpg[/img] [h2]Atsuro Volke[/h2] As he was searching for any more Kagune residue, he heard Muto say they discovered a new body. This made Atsuro nod as he would need to collect blood from this sample as well. So as he walked over he listened to Adrian's analysis and nodded and clapped his hands at it, [color=0072bc]"Well done. Good job on finding the body Muto, and lovely analysis Adrian."[/color] Atsuro would praise as he went to work on getting a sample of the bodies blood before bending down and rolling up his sleeves and examining the stomach wound and looking for anything that might be a Kagune. You do a hard days work and you shall be rewarded, he reached into the wound and pulled out a tiny shard of what was most certainly a Kagune. It was still only one piece, yet it was a much bigger piece than the one he found earlier. [color=0072bc]"Well we should be much closer to finding out the culprit thanks to you two finding the body."[/color] Atsuro smiled as he pulled off the gloves and went back over to their squad leader. With the days duties over with they were told to come back and they would turn in their evidence. Atsuro would get into the car again along with the others, and would arrive back at the headquarters in no time. Getting out of the car he took his briefcase out and closed the door. [color=0072bc]"Well I'm going to go turn in the evidence we have, so when are we meeting next?"[/color]