[img]http://pre14.deviantart.net/fd13/th/pre/i/2012/307/c/5/serene_landscape_by_rambled-d5ju302.jpg[/img] [i]Another day passes, and Morgia Thatch doesn't return. People have looked, apparently not hard enough, because there's no possible way she would leave The Valley, no way she could leave The Valley even if she wanted to. Everyone else has given up; but the school children she used to teach still whisper with one another about The Big Rocks - a group of stones behind the schoolhouse with a deathly chill in the air around them. Kids aren't supposed to go over there, the adults spin wild stories of witch curses to keep them from climbing up them and getting hurt, but that's where Morgia was last seen. Witch or no witch -- you're going to get her back. [/i]