Meryn took a step forward and found the bag with her name scrawled on it. Bending down, she plucked a bit of fine green fabric out of her bag. Slowly a mass of heavy, layered cloth lifted up, and she all but scowled at it. She was no stranger to fancy clothing – she didn't mind it when the occasion called for it. But there was no way she'd be able to move in this layered, cumbersome thing. In a strange place like this, she had no doubt she'd have to rely on her agility. Especially since she had zero experience with fighting. Her irritation only increased when she lifted the dress entirely out of the bag to reveal a pair of fine silver heels resting at the bottom. As she glared between the dress and the shoes, the people around her started talking about what they should do. Meryn was of the opinion that their first priority should be getting the heck away from the castle under siege, but thus far there didn't seem to be any trouble. She hoped everyone had made it out of the room. A quick count showed nine bags, but the Alchemist had said someone didn't have a bag of her own. That meant ten people. Meryn glanced back up to count six others, not including Diego and the queen… leaving three still in the room. Her eyes widened as her gaze shot up to scan the roof, but there was no movement by the chimney. If they were taking this long… were they coming at all? Meryn's eyebrows scrunched together with worry. What if those Claw people had got to them? Or they'd been dropped in another location entirely? But then she was pulled away from her worrying when one of the men gestured to her, saying the Alchemist liked her. Meryn just raised an eyebrow at him. If she had the Alchemist's favor, then frankly it wasn't worth shit. All she was to him and Diego so far was a delivery girl and a mute little safe to store all their cryptic secrets in. Her frustration grew as her mind flashed back to the two brief interactions she'd had with the men. This was bullshit. She – all of them – deserved real explanations if Diego and the Alchemist expected any sort of help from them at all. They'd been dropped unwillingly into some dangerous unknown realm, and they were supposed to what? Take orders like good little errand runners? Dropping the green dress to the ground, Meryn marched to Diego in quick strides. She barely slowed when she reached him. He was a frail looking thing, but he towered over her. This didn't stop Meryn from bringing her hands up to his chest and shoving. She didn't push hard – just enough to force him back a step or two. But she was certain it'd get her message across. She glared up at him and brought her hands down to her sides, palms open in a question. She was tired of this game.