Kobe was deep in thought, Daydreaming of days past, enjoying the sun. The figure that spoke was blurry against it's rays. She had said something to him. Kobe opened his mouth slightly and tried to form a response. [color=82ca9d]"Uh?"[/color] He worried the sound he had made to show his awareness came across a bit rude. [color=bc8dbf]"Though, I don't think you will be able to relax for to long. Soon here we are going to be called to train. I'm surprised they didn't have us up at sunrise on a day like today."[/color] She spoke kindly to him, seemed around his age, maybe slightly older. Kobe shook her name from his memory, Dianna. Then blinking the dust from his eyes he looked up. [color=82ca9d]"Train, on a nice day like this?"[/color] Kobe brushed the back of his hair, placed his book in a pouch on his belt and stood up. Dianna was slightly shorter than him, meaning he didn't have to meet eyes. He stood awkwardly, looking past her at the training ground apparatus being set up. He sighed.. [color=82ca9d]"Think they'd kill me if I missed it?.." [/color]