Arathyra gave a small [i]eep[/i] of fright when the archer punched the tree. Clearly he felt rather strongly about this but, still she couldn't just accept that Lord Alvin was just hiding behind a front of kindness, it seemed too real for that. Perhaps he'd just had some bad times in the past with nobles and he was letting it cloud his mind. Still she followed him silently, mulling over his words. Well, she wasn't speaking anyway, silent passage was another thing altogether. Though it got a little easier after she began following the archer closely since he was having an easier time of it then she was. As they entered the camp Arathyra looked around saddened by what she saw. All these children, probably starving. All the wounded with a single old man attempting to heal them as best he could. She reluctantly followed the group into what appeared to be some sort of strategy room. She listened to the discussion silently as nothing she would've had to say would've been important. Arathyra waited curiously to see Archibald's response to Lord Marwood's offer.