Rina frowned at Alison's words, how could she be so heartless? These orcs needed help, they couldn't just leave them to die. She took a few steps further back leaving the spiders to focus on Aron instead of her hoping he could handle it. Aron looked at his opponents carefully, five versus one would be a difficult fight, hopefully these orcs would be able to assist him. "[color=gray]I will take care of these spiders until you get help.[/color]" Aron called out as one of the orcs seemed to fly into the village, presumably to alert some others of his kind. The air around him slowly began cooling and a watermelon sized chunk of earth flew into the air hovering in front of him waiting to be shaped into a form. Aron watched the spiders coolly waiting for some sort of attack from them, he remembered the webs they had seemed to dispel his magic. If they hit him that could be dangerous.