Aurora's social anxiety reared its ugly face when she was directly addressed, but she quickly managed to suppress it. Her face stayed expressionless all that time, though, so there was no way anybody would have been able to tell, she told herself. Her emotionless facade broke apart as a weak smile 'disturbed' her features. "Don't worry, Sir Dwarf. I am not so rude that I might extort you of your hard earned money, just because I happen to be of the female sex." She turned back the the elder woman who had approached her and seemed to want to scrounge from Aurora's purse a nice portion of wine or similar alcoholic beverages. "My lady, as you might notice from my face, I am still a child, therefor I do not think it to be a grand idea for an elf of the meagre age of nineteen to drink alcoholic beverages. For an elf like me, I heard, I could as well be a toddler for another elf or a dwarf." The female arctic fox jumped from her shoulder onto the bar counter looking at Aurora expecting some food. Now, for the first time today, Aurora actually smiled genuinely at the little fox. "Are you hungry, Luna?" When talking to her fox, her voice lost the usual icyness and became soft and lovely. Aurora pulled out a strip of dried meat and fed it to the now very happy fox. "Now be still and don't disturb the people here, okay?" She smiled one last time as the fox unexpectedly, for a unknowing spectator, nodded and simply sat down on the counter staring at both the dwarf and the elder woman. After Aurora returned her attention to the woman her icy voice reappeared again. "As luck would have it, I still have some coins left from a trade I did a month ago. I do not understand the custom of buying somebody a drink, but if that is how it is done, I will oblige." She shoved a few coins over the counter and motioned for the innkeeper to get the woman and the dwarf both an alcoholic beverage of their choosing. Herself she asked for just some apple juice. "Ah, I have not asked for your names yet. I was told this is seen as rude, I apologize and would hereby ask you such. My name is Aurora, just Aurora."