[@Aragorn] Saudi-US relationship has been pretty strong and is even older than that with Isreal. They're not nearly as divergent as what you're saying, and are taking what the media has shouted in much the same way you're accusing Googer of doing. And Saudi Arabia wasn't the only supplier of Daesh, that blame goes to the other two gulf states as well: Qatar and the UAE. What is important is the US-Saudi relationship as well as it still being considered a special relationship. Jordan is also another major ally to the US with or without Isreal and is considered to be the closest non-NATO ally of the United States in the middle east. Egypt as well would have been a powerful and another old ally of the US if Isreal did't exist, since Egyptian antagonism to Isreal in the late 40's and into the 50's kept a wage between they and the US, despite the US keeping Britain and France from tearing shit up with them in war during that period. But if the Isreali factor was removed from the picture then both Jordan and Egypt could have been allies with the US much earlier than formal, positive-relationships were established. Especially since in the context of modern history our allies in the middle-east were only really valuable in the political game between the US and Soviet Union in the region. The Saudis represent the oldest member of the old anti-communism alliance the US was building in the region to counter the fears of communist revolution, and then through the Cold War the expansion of Soviet influence in places like Syria. The US doesn't necessarily need Isreal as a strategic ally in the region. In a historical absence of Isreal in the region they could easily be replaced. IMO - I would rather Iran over Saudi Arabia since Iran at least doesn't publically crucify criminals and people convicted of witch craft. And then we can give the rest of the Sunni Arab world to the glorious modern Banu Hashim.