[@Hexaflexagon] Alright, I edited his history, and bit of his personality. I like it much more now, and gave him a touch of PTSD. I went ahead, and put him up in the character tab. Hope that was ok. Here's the changes I made to history. [hider=Changes] Over the years he proved to be an adept warrior. He was put on the frontlines when he was around seventeen, and became quite the killing machine. Due to his talent he was transfered to varies squads, rarely staying there for more than a couple months. That was until he was assigned to be the heavy weapons support of the Mynock squad. When the Mandalorians began their campaign against the Zabraks, he would have been lying if he said he was ok with the slaughter of his people. His hearts wasn't in it. Though they turned their back on him years ago, they were still his race, and he still felt a kinship with them. But Zabraks are a stubborn, and loyal lot. So Ryleer didn't turn his back on his new people, and fought the Zabraks with his Mandalorian brothers. The battles against the Zabraks changed him to his core. He couldn't close his eyes without seeing every man, woman, and child he saw die. The things he did against his people still haunted him. But he buries it deep down, and focuses on his duty.[/hider]