[center][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRWQldZl3ysdA-_ZXBHsUYBoJwoewTDHpkpX0DWvsq593QpK_oX[/img] (Hair is black and eyes are a bright, glowing blue.) "Well, didn't expect to fight against demons in my lifte time. Oh well, expect the unexpected, I guess." Username: Kangutso Name: Alez Glare Age: 23 Gender: Male Class: Dracoknight Rank: Member House: Aseryo Weapons: Iron Lance Personality: Generally calm, but in combat is serious. When in good company he is more cheerful, not afraid to talk to others and rarely flirts with girls. Rarely because he's not sure if he wants to have someone that special in his life or not. Doesn't like to talk about the past, or at least the bad parts of it. Not afraid to celebrate with other or accept a challenge, consequently he doesn't like to back down from one. One last detail, he is a man of his word. Short Biography: Doesn't recall where he's from or the land he was bown in, or he pretends to. What he does share is that he didn't have a noble upbringing as he was born into a peasant family, his father having been a retired mercenary cavalryman and his mother a village woman. He has siblings, but he feels it isn't his right to talk about them. Despite his father being retired, he seen in his son a capable warrior and so began teaching him how to fight and how to ride and fight on horseback. At 13or 14, he can't remember specifically, he was scouted by a lower noble family and, at the encouraging support of his family, found himself serving them. Now, to cut a long story short, he eventually was recognized by a dragonmaster of yet another noble family of higher rank, and ended of training as a dracoknight. With any wages he earned from his former work being sent to his family. A few years later, said noble family took a fall and lost all their power and authority, consequently leaving as a wanderer for some time. Then he heard the called made by the houses if Osteria and went immediately to the first one he reached. Other: One of the newest, if not the newest, member of Aseryo[/center]