[center][h2][color=f7976a]Ayame[/color][/h2] Crocus Antique Shop Nero - Eve[/center] Ayame silently walked besides Nero, she had recovered a little from the sudden outburst and had stayed close to Nero during the whole path they have walked throughout the city. She was walking on her own now but she still clinged tightly against Nero with her head leaning on him for comfort. Her eyes were as red as the blood moon and her whole attire and body were a mess. She occasionaly sobbed a little but nothing special was too it. They stopped along an old run down antique shop. It must have looked great about a good 50 years but in this time it seemed out of ordinary. Nero his intrest was peeked however Ayame's was not. However she would still follow her bestie because she didn't mind where they would be at, she would still enjoy the company of Nero. She didn't object and walked with him into the store. As soon as they entered she let go of him and burried her face in his back again. There were acutally quite a few people in the store. But she didn't expect this many. She could clearly feel her body tremble in fear and react to the others in the store. But luckily she had Nero to... protect... her... She hastily looked around as she didn't feel Nero in front of her anymore. He was already running of towards the card table. Ayame her face reddend as she jumped behind cover. This time it was Eve her back. Well it was better then anything else nearby. She trembled an closed her eyes for a second to calm herself down. As soon as she opened them again, Eve was gone too! She wanted to cry but had to stay strong. She was being a bother since the park and had to get herself back together. She slapped both her own cheeks at the same time and shook her head. Ayame had approached the book reading man assuming he was someone who worked at the store. She had to ask if they had a first aid kit for her bloody hands. The blood had long ago stopped running but she wanted to make sure it was infected and wanted to treat it properly. Also Nero and Eve could possible need some patching too. Especially Nero since his face got quite damaged. She approached the man with her joined together hands in front of her upper legs, her head down to the ground and her eyes foccused somewhere to the side of her [color=f7976a]"Umm-m... S-s-s-s-sir! D-d-d-d-dddddoo y-y-you h-h-h-have a-a f-first a-a-a-a-aid kit!"[/color] Her face was like a tomato and she was breathing weirdly like she was running a marathon. Smoke was puffing out of her ears as she kindly asked the man.